List of spanking artists
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- The following is a list of spanking artists, sorted alphabetically (by FIRST name wherever applicable).
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Spanking artists
- _cf
- A. Canteau (†)
- A. Jardin
- AB
- Adam Johann Braun
- Adolfo M. Ruiz (b. 1912)
- Adriaen Huybrechts
- Aengus: (Femdom) ?
- Agnes 3D
- Agragar515: M/G, /f
- Ai: M/g
- AIxcavator: OTK
- Akaininare M/m
- Akame: M/f ?
- Akanamazu: F/B M/B
- Akiru
- Akuma
- Mr. X (Alan Bell)
- Alan Lawrence
- Albatrox: mostly F/F
- Albert Anker
- Albert Anker
- Albert Dubout
- Aldo: (Femdom) ?
- Alejandro Colucci
- Alex Chapmon: F/M
- Alex Gragar: mainly /f
- Alexander Székely
- Alexandr Sergeev
- Alia
- Alina
- Allesandra (Femdom) ?
- Alliance
- Almond
- Alphonse Friaux: F/B, F/G
- Aluzrin
- Amateur (artist): FemDom
- Ambrosius Holbein
- AMDeLand-Baldwin
- Amlensky
- Andrew Wolkoff: X/F
- Andrew (Femdom) ?
- Andrey-A-M
- Andy
- Angus Malcolm
- Angus Peter Macdonall
- Angus Peter Macdonall: F/m
- Aniasi (Femdom) ?
- AnimeFan23 (Mishi)
- Anita: F/G
- Ann
- Annmo Night (Femdom) ?
- Anthony E. Soletski
- Anton: M/F
- Antonina Christianovna Westphalen (M/M)
- Aprion
- Arantza: X/F
- Areg5
- Arianna Del Filo
- Ariel (Femdom) ?
- Arkham-insanity
- ArnDaBrat (1986-2003): M/B
- ArnulfofFlanders
- Aroldo Bozagni (1887-1918)
- Arugaku
- Aruwana
- Asa Jones
- Asaji Muroi
- Ashely
- Augustine (Femdom) ?
- Austin (Femdom) ?
- Autumnxsnow
- Axel
- Azrael: [[F/F]
- Badia: (Femdom) ?
- BakShad: F/f, M/f
- Bal-Tit † M/F
- Baldios: M/F
- Banjo: F/M
- Barbara O'Toole: F/G, F/M, and others
- Barbossasdaughter: M/G
- Barky
- Barry Blair
- Bartolomeo Manfredi
- Bebbons
- Bella Mon
- Bella Mon
- Ben Garrison
- Benton Wilkins: F/M
- Bernard Montorgueil (also spelled Bernard Montorgeuil)
- Bernard Valonnes (†, probably identical to Don Brennus Aléra)
- Big D: M/M
- Bigeikou
- Biker
- Bill Ward
- BlissteredBySister F/F NFSW ?
- BoJay
- Bolker Animo
- Boom
- Brazzar: M/F
- Brian LeBlanc
- Brian Tarsis: F/F, M/F
- Bruno Schulz
- C. Helsey (†)
- C. of Sweden (M/B, M/M)
- Cactus: F/f
- Calice
- Cannibal Khan
- Carlo (†): F/F, M/F
- Caroline Descaro
- CarthagFall: M/F F/F ?
- Cc
- Cecil Langley Doughty
- Ch. Avalanche
- Charles Hirlemann
- Charles Roussel (1882-1961, [1])
- Cheekygirl
- CherryS-12
- Chip Wilson
- Choko: F/G
- CM Zero
- Cocleshell
- ColaKun
- Collegeboy: F/B, M/B, F/G
- Comixpank: F/B, M/B
- Congolike
- Copper (M/M)
- CopyKats: F/f, Machine/f
- Cosal: M/f ?
- Couperin
- Cravache
- Crescent
- Crissy
- Cross Chan: F/G, F/F, F/B, M/G, M/B
- Croup
- Curtus: F/M
- Cyberoid
- D Adams: M/G
- Dabillmann
- Dagy: F/F, M/F
- Damian Simons
- Dan Rivera (aka Dan}
- Dan (See Dan Rivera}
- Danilo
- Danny M
- Darius
- Davanzo
- Dave Bishop
- Dave Carnie
- Dave Ell: M/G
- Dave Mire
- Dave Wolfe
- David Betula
- De Mulatto
- DeeDee: F/G
- Delila: M/F, F/F
- Dementia
- Dimos
- Dina Bellotti (1912-2003)
- dinosaurboy
- dmlgirl
- Doc Cylon
- Don Brennus Aléra
- Douglas
- Drooaygah: X/f, X/m
- DT
- Duca di Marte: F/f, F/m, M/f, M/m
- EC (Edward C)
- Eden Misty
- Eden Misty
- Edenic
- Edith
- Edouard Bernard
- Edvarda Aslaksen Braanaas
- Edward C.
- Edward E.C
- Eingyeo
- El Manto Negro
- Ely Costes (†)
- EndArt: F/F, M/F, o/F, F/M
- Eneg (aka Bilbrew)
- Eric Galton (†): F/F
- Eric Stanton (1926-1999)
- Eric Wildman
- Erich von Gotha
- erik: F/M
- Erika Kyoukousha: F/G, F/F, M/G, M/F
- Ernst Gerhard (†): F/F
- Esbey (†, probably identical to Don Brennus Aléra): F/G
- espec22
- Ess: F/F M/F
- Etienne Maurice Falconet
- Eugene Reunier (†, pseudonym of Carl Breur Courth) (o/F, M/F)
- Euticus
- Euzinha: F/G, F/B
- F. Dannat
- F. Hirmann
- F. Klein
- Fairway
- Fameni
- FapFapFap
- Februaryleaf
- Fema
- femalepower: F/M
- Fernand Louis Gottlob (1873-1935)
- Fernando Caretta bondage & spanking
- Fireball666
- Flatt: F/B
- Fletch: F/M
- Flyboy
- Fontana (1884-1965): F/G
- Fragonard
- Francis Heuber (†)
- Francisco Goya (†)
- Francisque Poulbot (1879-1946)
- Franco: F/B, M/B, M/M
- Francois-Claudius Compte-Calix: F/B
- Frank Trachat
- Frank: F/F, machine/F
- Franz von Bayros (1866-1924)
- Fred Vegerano
- Fred Winter: F/M
- Fredvegerano
- Friendlycat
- Fritz
- Frédéric
- Frédillo: M/F, F/F
- FullMoonSpanking
- Funbun: F/F, F/G, M/F
- Funraiser
- G. Whips
- 東雲Garnet
- Garry Graham
- Gaston Noury
- Gaston Smit
- Gauis Marius: M/G, F/G
- Gene Bilbrew (aka Eneg)
- Georg Hinke (illustrator, 1883-1958), M/m work
- George Jackson Churchward (?-2000): F/G, M/G
- Georges Levis (1924-1988): all pairings
- Georges Levis (1924-1988): all pairings
- Georges Mouton † F/F, M/F
- Georges Topfer (†)
- Gerda Wegener: F/F
- German
- Ghost: M/f, F/f
- Goupil †
- Green Imp
- Grigbertz
- Groh: /m
- Guynard
- H-bum
- Hacchi
- Haffnium72
- Hageby
- HAL: F/G, M/B
- Hans Braun (†)
- Hans Holbein the Younger (c. 1497-1543): M/B
- Hardcastle: M/F
- Harold Kane: F/M, F/F
- Has been taken
- Hata Deli (†): F/M, M/F BDSM art
- Helga Bode † F/G, F/F, M/F, M/B
- Henri Caruchet
- Herric (Chéri Hérouard, 1881-1961)
- Hide
- Hines
- Hizakone
- Hobbs: M/G, M/F
- HoHoho
- HollowAh
- Homunculus Lover
- Honey
- Horislav
- Houmitsu
- Huyana
- J Tesker: F/M
- J. C. Leyendecker (1874ï-1951)
- J. R.
- J. X. Dumoulin (†): F/F, F/G, F/B
- J.B de Lapin spanking artist
- Jacobsen
- James Axelrod
- James Gillray (†)
- James Hamilton
- Jameslovebirch: F/F, M/F
- Jan Saudek
- Jason Burns: M/M
- Jay Em: F/G, F/B, F/M, M/F
- JD: F/B, M/G
- Jean de Villiot
- Jean Leprince (†)
- Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848)
- Jean-Baptiste Le Prince (1734ï-1781)
- Jenn
- Jenna
- Jéo (†)
- Jim Black (1899-1939, pseudonym of Luc Lafnet)
- Jiri Neprakta
- Joe Shuster
- Johann Peter Hasenclever (1810-1853): M/B
- John DuPret
- John Moore: F/F, M/F
- John Willie: F/F, M/F
- Jolly
- Jonathan: M/M
- Jose de Brito † ("Martyr of Fanaticism")
- Joseph Farrel
- Jossot (L'Assiette au Beurre)
- JPC (or J. P. Cors): F/F, F/M, M/M
- JPC (see J. P. Cors)
- Julian Guile
- Julie Delcourt: F/F, F/m
- K: F/G, M/G
- KajiraGames: F/F, M/F, F/M and F/m.
- Kami Tora: F/M, M/F
- Kana
- Kanemotomaniakku (3D)
- Kasoide: M/m
- Katherine Richardson Wireman
- Kato: F/G
- Kavanagh (Kav)
- Kessily: M/G, M/M, M/F, F/F,F/M
- Keyneq: (F/f, M/f and f/f).
- Kimberly Wilder
- Kindinov
- Kira Wolf Cub
- Kitora
- Klauth
- KM: F/f
- Kokopuff: M/M, M/B
- Korovieff
- Kumakiri-san
- Kuromame (????)
- L. Tessier
- Lacarrière
- Lady Carole
- Larouste
- lasttransistorhero
- Laurent Lebeau
- Lawrence Kinden
- Lee Warner
- Lee X/F
- Leonardo: F/G, F/M
- Leone Frollo (†)
- LetsTalkPirate: F/G, M/G
- Bald Lewis (†)
- Likem Chubby: M/B
- Likem Chubby (aka: Lc)
- Liliane Gourari
- Linder
- Little Dragon Kid
- Loba de la Luna
- Loloasd
- Louis Malteste (1862-1928): F/G, F/F
- Louis-André Berthommé-Saint-André (†)
- love_b
- LoveDragon
- Loïc Dubigeon (1934-2001)
- Luboss
- Luc Lafnet (1899-1939): F/G, F/M, M/F
- Ludovic Riézer
- Lujaine
- Lynn Paula Russell (also known as Paula Meadows) (F/F, M/F)
- Lynx
- Léon Pierre (†)
- Léon Roze (†) (F/F)
- M. del Giglio (†): M/F
- M. Oral deKay
- Macelo Sosa
- Makoto
- Mame (豆)
- Mamekyv
- MangoSlush
- Margit Gaál (1898-?): F/F, M/F, enema art
- Marilac (Mario Laboccetta, 1899-1988)
- Mario Laboccetta (1899-1988)
- Marm
- Marquis (??????): M/F
- Martin van Maële (?-1926): M/F
- Maru: M/B
- Marx
- Matty Fantasy: F/m, M/m
- Maurice de Vindas: F/G
- Max Raute (M/B)
- Max Safonov
- Max von Szczygielski-Rogala
- Max
- Mayhem
- Mephisto138
- Metarix
- Micha: Sisdom ?
- Michel D.
- Michel Simeon
- Michiyo
- Midori (blue)
- Mike : M/M, F/M, M/F
- Milewsky
- Milo Manara: F/F, M/F
- Mira K: o/F, F/F
- Mirocky
- Mishi (AnimeFan23)
- Miss Darcy
- Miss Fran: F/F, F/G
- Mitch after Midnight
- Mitch Byrd
- Miyuki Kisaragi: M/G, F/G, M/B, F/B
- MJBivouac
- Mongoringo
- Monsp
- Mr. KD: F/G, M/G
- Mr. Sand: F/G
- Mregg
- Murlo
- N. Carman
- Nagasato
- NAI: M/f, F/f ?
- Naru
- Nate (F/M), (F/B)
- Natofstafford
- Ndittmer04
- Nelson1977
- Nene
- Nicky (M/F), (F/F)
- Nik Zula
- Nike01
- Nobbin
- Nocti Raven
- NonaOm3n
- Noone102000
- Okamiseinen
- Okamishonen (see Okamiseinen)
- Oscar:F/F, M/F, F/M
- Oshirin: F/F, F/f ₳
- Otkjust4u
- Otogawa
- Otto Schoff
- Over31
- P. Beloti M/F
- P. Fusty (†)
- P. Silex
- Palcomix (artist team)
- Panasewicz
- Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri
- Paolo
- Parris Quinn (M/F)
- Passionate Shadow
- Pastel (formerly known as Sakura, Sakura Fairy, and Almond)
- Patron E. Hall
- Patty M/F
- Paul Alazar: F/F ?
- Paul Davies: F/G, F/B, M/G, M/B
- Paul Klamm (†, pseudonym of C. Soulier): F/M, F/F
- Paul Marie
- Paul Stoves
- Paul-Émile Bécat (1885-1960)
- Paul
- Paula Meadows (pseudonym of Lynn Paula Russell): M/F, F/F, o/F
- Perpentach
- Peter Jackson
- Photino F/F, F/M, M/F, M/M)
- Pierre Dumarchey (1882-1970): F/F, M/F
- Pierre Gandon (1899-1990)
- Pierre Guénolé
- Pocket-Girl
- posercpart (M/G,F/B)
- Professor Jim: M/B
- R. Fanny (pseudonym of Etienne Le Rallic, 1891-1968): M/F, F/F
- R. Planitz
- R
- Rafael Kirchner: F/M, F/F
- Rafaele Maranetti: F/F, M/F
- Rajah
- Rak
- Ray Moore: F/F, M/F
- Reaver
- Rebecca
- Red Swallow, f/f ?
- RedRump
- Reks
- Rene-Michel Desergy
- René Giffey (1884-1965): M/F, F/F
- Rex (artist)
- Richard C Livingston
- Richard Hegemann (†, also known as Hegener and Rollman): F/G, F/B
- Rickey (M/B, F/B)
- Riis (from Denmark) (M/B, F/B)
- Riku
- Robert Bishop
- Robin Ray
- RobM (F/G, F/B)
- Roger Benson
- Ron Baker: F/F, M/F
- Ron Wilson: X/f, X/m
- Ronald (F/F)
- Rosie Rears
- Rude Rumps
- Rudolf Preuss (1879-1961): F/G, F/F, F/M, M/G, M/F
- Ruka
- Rus
- Rustler
- Sadie-Maso
- Sakimi
- Sakura
- Salalo
- Sankaku Atama
- Sardax: F/F, F/M
- Sasha
- Sassy Bottoms
- Sccssc123
- Seiu
- Selby (†, probably identical to Don Brennus Aléra): F/F
- Sena: M/m, M/F
- Serajat
- Seraphina: F/F, M/F
- Sergisky
- Shelshock
- Shijou Aya
- Shirihatax
- sieti
- Sieti
- Silberstern
- Silver Dragon
- Siva
- Skekpen
- Sleepship
- Slipper
- Smak: o/F, F/F, F/G
- Smallmew
- Sodano: F/F
- Some Guy
- SomeoneElseHere
- Sorebottomart
- Sorenutz007
- SP Anka
- Spanichspank: X/m
- Spankart
- Spankfan: M/M
- Spankingcomics
- Spanko: aka: SuperSchtroumpf
- Spanm: F/F, M/F
- Spryte
- Stainen
- Stemur
- Stephanie Burke: M/F, F/F
- Stu Mead
- Su: F/G
- SuperSchtroumpf : F/F, M/F, F/M, M/G, M/B, F/G
- Surahshu F
- Swatty
- SweetAssChick
- Sylphy
- T. d' Y.
- T_big: M/B
- Tack (†, probably identical to Don Brennus Aléra): F/F, F/M, M/F
- Taira Kibato: F/G, M/G, /f
- Talmer91
- Tealdo
- The Purple Penguin
- The Spirit
- TheMailman: Woman spanking art ?
- Theodore Psychoyos
- Thorn
- Tigaby
- Tincho
- TinyPlanet M/g, F/g, M/g (aka linspanking)
- TJ Ryder: F/F, M/M, F/M
- Tom Paine F/f
- Toma
- Tommy Tippie: F/G, M/G
- Tommy: F/M
- Tonton Ficelle
- Toshi: F/B, F/G
- Toyogub: X/F (shrinking women)
- Traditional Boy
- Trekkie Grrl
- Trident
- Vall
- Vane
- Victor Spahn (†)
- Viklay
- Viset (1899-1939, pseudonym of Luc Lafnet)
- W. Floger (G. Whips, †)
- Waldo: F/M, M/F
- Walther Klemm (1883-1957)
- Watcher
- Weaver
- Wendy0616
- Whizzer Black: F/M
- Wighead (1896-1982)
- Wilhelm Busch (1832-1908): M/B
- Willi Scheuermann (1885 - after 1959)
- William Adolphe Lambrecht (†)
- William Blake
- Wilson McCoy: M/F
- Wolfheart
- Writhe
See also
- Vintage Illustrators on Vintage Visions Large index with Illustrators from the past and their works
- Artist indexon the Encyclopedia of Spanking Art (galleries of female spanking art, by artist).
- Artist indexon (galleries of BDSM femdom art, by artist, including many spanking artists).
- Gallery index on Il Sottile Piacere (Adult site) Site is down
- List of BDSM artists (including historical artists) on the BDSM Art Archiv (in German).
- Modern Bdsm Artists Modern Bdsm Art, Artists index on Secrets Bdsm Art Gallery
- Spanking Art Artworks from many different artist on Spanking Art Blog
- Spanking Art Archives One of the largest Spanking Art Archives on the Internet
Note: This article was originally based on a list from SAOTK |
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