Innocentata Medicalos

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Innocentata Medicalos is a spanking novel by Nadia Salem. It is set the Rejuve Universe in Johnsonville in which is close to Assville.


Jenny, the main character, is sentenced to be a penny for robbing a bank. Problem is she was too sick to have left her house let alone rob it at the time of the crime. Her first year as a penny, she is healthy and treated like another penny. The second year she starts dying and who she is and why nothing that is going on will matter at her next birthday shows up. The beginning of the series is a mystery.

Spoiler Alert

Jenny fights for the right to die a 7 year old of thirst rather than a two year old of too much rejuvenation and wins, but on her death bed her penny mom "couldn't watch her die" and called the EMTs who rejuved her without knowing the situation. Because of the situation Jenny got the rank of Innocentata Medicalos that was offered to convince her to rejuve. At the time the cure was being used as a pain killer, so the hope was that the need to rejuvate again won't happen for at least 2 years and nine months otherwise there was no guarantee. That's how the story begins.


  1. First birthday
  2. Santa Clause
  3. First Christmas
  4. The Letter A
  5. Melissa Babysits
  6. Kates Birthday
  7. A night with Daddy
  8. Easter Sunday
  9. The Nightmare
  10. July Fourth
  11. Doctor's office
  12. June's Birthday
  13. The Letter
  14. First day of school
  15. Report Card Day
  16. All I wanted was a lousy party
  17. Trick Or Treat
  18. Thanksgiving
  19. All I want for Christmas
  20. A christmas to remember
  21. Another day at school
  22. The Cure
  23. Wendy's birthday
  24. One innocentatas easter
  25. The Park
  26. Mommy's turn
  27. Kates Birthday
  28. Lori's First day of school
  29. Lori's report card day
  30. Instincts
  31. New brother
  32. Diaspora
  33. Lori's birthday
  34. Daddy's birthday
  35. Brotherly Advice
  36. To live with Fear
  37. Counseling
  38. Visiting
  39. June's bad day
  40. How it all started
  41. Life of a IM
  42. Visiting 2
  43. Sweet Justice
  44. Mother daughter talk
  45. Summer vacation
  46. A great picnic
  47. Donny and Jenny
  48. I vs IM
  49. The cure all
  50. Goodbye June
  51. Back to school
  52. Well its not lousy
  53. Gorow
  54. Welcome BAck
  55. Grades
  56. All hollows eve
    • All hollows eve v2
  57. Group Conseling
  58. High ranking revenge
  59. Stanley turns bad
  60. illness
  61. Martin
  62. 2nd christmas
  63. New years eve
  64. The innocence of Youth
  65. The Annoyance of Diseases
  66. Just Another Day
  67. Dear Diary
  68. Surprise
  69. Good Friends
  70. Non Penny Easter
  71. Religious Friendly
  72. Cumulative Scanner Carditis
  73. Sleep
  74. Reality
  75. Donny's Acceptance Letter
  76. First Day Of Summer School
  77. Another Month Older
  78. Only time will tell
  79. First Day Of Second Grade
  80. Do You Believe in Santa Clause
  81. Another Year Older
  82. Junior Counselor
  83. The Beginning of the End
  84. IM Again?
  85. Mom's Present
  86. Courts
  87. Spanking and Court
  88. Judge's Decision
  89. Hard Night
  90. Mom's Spanking and the Offer
  91. Donny Comes Home
  92. Court Appointed Advocate
  93. Worse Than Each Other
  94. Want to go to School
  95. Court Stenographer
  96. Lies
  97. Lunch
  98. Testimony
  99. No More Court
  100. Sister's Love
  101. Permanate IM
  102. Kate's Hearing
  103. Custody
  104. Same Old Same Old
  105. Captain's Spanking
  106. Who Killed Martha?
  107. Jenny is fooled
  108. Red Alert
  109. A Babysitter's Diary
  1. A Penni's Life for Me (completed and posted it also finally reveals who robbed the bank. Just don't get mad at the author till you read it top to bottom than you can get mad at her)
  2. Slumber Party (in progress)

Ranks specifically created in the series

  • Black Innocentata (AKA BLACK I): In the IM series the black I is introduced with whether or not a Black I would outrank an IM or not left to the next writer. Currently the rank is equal to IM in heirachy. A black circle Penny who was falsely convicted and proven innocent. Not in the rejuve guide. The concept is introduced in story: Who Killed Martha?
  • Innocentata Medicalos: One of a kind rank. It was offered by a court order to Jenny Chain when she was refusing to rejuve to possibly cure herself. Not in the rejuve guide. The Concept is introduced in story: One Person's Decision, which is the final part of The Cure.

Main characters

First Appearance, First Birthday. Rank: starts hard time changes to I and finally IM Protagonist of the series. Generally a good girl, but misbehaves once in a while and more often when she's sick than when she's well. Without any biological family members alive, Jenny is strugling to maintain who she is and adept to Earth society.
First Appearance, First Birthday. Rank: at the beginning of the series she is hard time Penny, later on a completas. Kate is a penny for slicing. Kate was supposed to be soft time this time around but got a harsh judge who looked mainly at grades and ended up a hard time penny when she met Jenny. Kate is Jenny's penny sister. Kate's character was originally written to be a character spanked when Jenny doesn't get spanked but ends up becoming a good sister and friend to Jenny.
First Appearance, Melissa Babysits (IM series not Melody series). Rank: Hard time penny, becomes soft time. June was convicted of mudering her husband. The author planned on making June an archrival of Jenny but ended up liking her character too much so made them friends instead. Originally June was the next door neighbor till All I wanted was a Lousy Party where her penny parents are emergency rejuved and June moves in with Jenny's family, which made her Jenny's sister. At the end June becomes a soft time penny and moves in with the family of the Dojan series.
First Appearance, The Park. Rank: Medicalos, in starfleet an ensign. Jenny's love. Donny and Jenny become boyfriend and girlfriend while Donny is still a minor, and Donny takes over custody of Jenny when he graduates from starfleet academy and starts star hopping. Though Donny is technically Jenny's dad, Jenny cannot bring herself to call him daddy, and it would be to impolite to call him Donny, so they settled on "Sir". Although Donny is a ensign, they live in admirals/ambassadors quarters because of Jenny's rank.
First Appearance, First Birthday. Name comes later. Jenny's penny mom. Margeret is the reason Jenny is still alive and got in trouble with her husband for it. A spanko bottom
First Appearance, First Birthday. Name comes later. Jenny's penny dad. A spanko top. He worries about Jenny throughout his time on the series.
First Appearance, New Brother Rank: voluntaras. Brought in to help out the chains, John becomes a good big brother to Jenny, and an excellant spanker to June and Kate.
Dr. Marcus
First Appearance, Doctors office. The only character that can prove jenny's innocence. He is one of the oldest people alive because he was one of the people who rejuved when the rejuvenator was invented. After joining starfleet medical, he meets Jenny's earliest family member on a planet called Gorow. He attaches himself to the family, and researches the disease that is killing all it's members. Because of his research, Jenny is still alive even though she is in a permanate childhood. He is still looking for a real cure. He is one of the few doctors that does house calls. And when Jenny calls or the person who calls says it about Jenny he answers no matter how busy he is, mainly because he's the only one that knows Jenny that well.
First Appearance, Same Old Same Old. One of the few medical interns that is friendly to Jenny while Jenny is being a medical intern. Emily’s character has become friends with Jenny and the author has elected to keep her character around even though Jenny no longer is working in the infirmary with her.

Jenny's enemies

First Appearance, Easter Sunday. Rank: Hard Time Penny. Convicted of murder, Wendy was trouble to Jenny even before, Easter. On Easter Wendy almost caused Jenny to get 3 times her base for fighting. Jenny has never forgiven her since. Wendy later becomes neighbors to Jenny so that Jenny can watch her spankings.
First Appearance, All I Wanted Was a Lousy Party. Rank: Hard Time Penny. Convicted of neglience and required to retake nursing classes. Lori almost killed Jenny by using a medical scanner that Jenny is allergic too. Lucky for everyone, Dr. Marcus came in quickly and saved Jenny. Lori was moved in next door as well.
First Appearance, June's birthday. Rank: Voluntaras. Stanley went to far with his spanking of June and used a nursery cane on June's birthday on her. No one liked him since. In school we find out his a spanko.
First Appearance, Stanley turns bad. Rank: Hard time Penny. Stella is Stanley y rep. Stanley beat us June and was convicted of assault. Because Stanley is a spanko, they made him y rep in addition to the cycles of spankings.
The biggest enemy of all. The disease that killed her entire family and won't let her make it past the age of nineteen. Jenny seems to be fighting this enemy every day.

Jenny's biological family

Spoiler Alert
Jenny's Parents
They both died of too much rejuvenation. Although on Gorow, Starfleet and the Gorowian government in a effort to change Gorow into a rejuve society used Jenny's parents as a starting point. Jenny's parents weren't far from death when they borrowed the rejuvenator and programmed the machine to keep rejuvenating until the disease is gone. What they didn't know, is the only way to cure by this method was to rejuve too much. They come out 2 years old for the dad and 1 year old for the mom not knowing who they are or who anyone is. The family that was going to take them in anyways falsified records of their birth and made them kindern. To this day, they still don't know who they are and people who know the truth have to be careful around them.
Jenny's Siblings
Kate, Jenny's biological sister died of thirst, which is the end results of Voltorn. John, Jenny's biological Brother died of pneumonia in the early stages of the disease. It is said he stopped fighting when he passed.


Jenny was born and raised on the colony of Gorow, a pre-rejuve society that believes in indivisible isolation. Star fleet has a base on Gorow, but mainly Gorowians are of two groups: the isolationists and the religious friendlies.


Would go as far as kill to keep from having people invade their lives. They are family oriented.

Religious friendly

Believe that rejuvenatators steal a part of your soul, and they refuse to rejuvenate because of it.

How they became religious friendly

What most people don't know about the religious friendlies beliefs never required preaching door to door. In fact they never tried to on earth.

  1. Reasons they started preaching

1. Loneliness. When they started living on Gorow the majority of the population was isolationists, and it was hard to find other people with the same religious background because it was only starting to be a new religion.

2. This one is the not talked about reason. It is the main reason. Starfleet was their competition at the time. Starfleet was trying to push the rejuvenator on the Gorowians and the only way for the religious people to counteract Starfleet was to tell the bad things the Rejuvenator does to the gorowians. In fact the Religious act solved the Starfleet influence problem as well as ended the preaching door to door at the same time. The act prevented Starfleet from pushing the benefits of the rejuvenator while stopping the religious friendly (that were called something else at the time) from telling the disadvantages. This is why Gorow took so long to become a rejuve society.


Jenny is allergic to Medical Scanners. Medical Scanners are mentioned first in the Melody series in Vaccinations. Although the scanner is used in the Melody's Stories series by Lurking Dragon,the allergy so far has only appeared in Innocentata Medicalos, and psi pen which are both written by the same author. The author doesn't care if it is used by other writers.

Congenital Scanner Carditis (originally named Scanneritis till the author took a medical terminology class and realized it meant inflammation of the scanner)

The allergy is something you are born with. A patient who is treated right away without being rescanned is put in icu for the first night and in a hospital room for 6 days. If scanned more than 1 time, the patient is dead.

Accummulated Scanner Carditis

A patient becomes allergic to scanners because they been scanned way to frequently. It happens more often in Anorexia farms and Overeaters farms where scanners are used constantly on patients especially in the tantrum room. The concept is introduced in both Innocentata Medicalos and psi pen series. How often the patient is in the hospital depends on how often the patient is scanned after having the reaction. One day per scan if it goes beyond 7 scans the patient is dead.

Jenny's earned spankings

Most of Jenny's spankings were for being a penny, but she did earn quite a few and for some interesting reasons. :)

  • Paddled by Santa for not saying she was a bad penny. Story: Santa Clause. Wouldn't have mattered if she wasn't a penny.
  • Spanked for not having perfect As. Story: The Letter A. 5 spanks per sloppy A. She got 25 spankings. If she was a soft time penny, she wouldn't have gotten a spanking for it because she choose to practice her As.
  • Spanked for getting an A- on her anatomy quiz. Story: Another Day At School. The teacher hand spanked her but because she was sick the doctors wouldn't let the parents spank her more. She wouldn't have gotten spanked if she was soft time, she wouldn't have gotten a A- if she wasn't in the early stages of Voltorn.
  • Spanked for telling daddy not to use a scanner on her. Story: A night with Daddy. Spanked right before temp was taken. If she was a soft time penny, she wouldn't have gotten spanked for it because she is allergic.
  • Spanked for going into the ocean when told not to. Story: Summer Vacation. She is an IM by then, but the reason for her going into the ocean you'd have to read to find out.
  • Spanked for going to school when not supposed to. Story: want to go to school. She gets spanked for going to school when her mom flat out said no. She was recovering from a high fever the night before because the disease came back.
  • Spanked for fibbing to the starfleet teacher about how she is doing. Story: A Captain's Spanking. Only got slapped one time.
  • Not exactly earned spanking, but spanked by nurse to help with the penny medication that she took because there might not be enough non penny meds for everyone who was exposed to the bug by Jenny. Story: A Captain's Spanking. Jenny chooses to get the painful shot in this story.
  • Spanked for endangering the entire crew with a bug by not telling anyone she was sick. Story: A Captain's Spanking. This one was done by the captain and he used a bumblebee paddle designed for 4 year old penny who commits a crime while a penny. Jenny is 6 at this time.
  • Spanked by Donny to enforce the Captain's Spanking before nanolotion was put on Jenny's bottom and she was put to bed. Story: Captain's Spanking.
  • Spanked for leaving her quarters at midnight without telling Donny. Story: Who Killed Martha? She was called in the middle of the night to help a distressed penny but she had the ability to text Donny who was on Bridge duty at the time. The story also shows the effects of being a starfleet daughter.
  • Caned and mouthsoaped for saying "Donny" twice in babysitters diary.

Jenny's non voltorn illnesses

Jenny first had constipation in A Night With Daddy, which is one of the author's favorite of her work.

Appendicitis in To Live With Fear.

Merits (the Gorowian form of chickenpox) started in Gorow was diagnosed in Welcome Back.

Flu in Illness.

Anemia in Sleep.

Rejuve Shock in Permenant IM. Actually there should be a question on whether or not she really had rejuve shock considering she's allergic to scanners and she reacted after she saw her IM. Rejuve shock was introduced in a different series. It might have been the Seth series done it first, but it could have been a different series. IM definately wasn't the first to introduce it.

Bug she caught on a planet and didn't tell anyone she was sick in story: Captain's Spanking.

Jenny and Santa

The first time Jenny went to the mall to visit Santa in story Santa Clause, Jenny got paddled for refusing to go with the stardand answer "No, Santa, I've been a very naughty little girl." Jenny was telling the truth when she said she had. She didn't commit the crime and she hadn't earned any spankings, but that didn't change the fact that she has to answer the way all pennies do and so she got a helper paddle spanking instead. Santa regretted the paddling after he found out what she wanted for Christmas because nothing she asked for was stuff that a penny wouldn't get. They were all educational.

Second time Jenny sees Santa in All I want for Christmas, though Jenny still won't answer with the traditional "No Santa, I've been a very naughty little girl," Santa lets it slid because Jenny was really sick this time around. This time around Jenny teaches her siblings on how to get what you want for Christmas by asking for educational stuff and than what you want. Although Jenny asked for her usually educational stuff, she also whispered a request that Santa wishes he could provide her. It's never written what she asks for.

Third time Jenny sees Santa in I vs. IM, Jenny meets a fellow I and schemed with Donny to punish the annoying voluntaras who butted in line when Jenny was a Penny. They punished the V's by making them wait not only for them but their penny siblings.

Forth time Jenny sees Santa in High Ranking Revenge has a combination of series characters of various ranks getting their revenge on the voluntaras, but the best part is when a black circle penny gets a paddling from Santa.

In Do You Believe In Santa, Jenny addresses her belief in Santa when she was an adult and why she stopped believing in everything.

Rejuve's concept of Permanent Childhood

The permanent childhood concept was actually created by Lurking Dragon himself when he created Nerd Prime. Although nerd prime does become an adult, his character showed that it is possible to need to medically rejuve frequently.

The way to do it is to make it impossible for the character to get past the age of physically 20 years and 364 days old before needing to be rejuved. 21 is the age of adulthood according to the melody series.

The Likely ranks

Vs are probably the hardest to have a Permanent childhood only because of the cost. Even if the potential guardian was willing to do it for free, the guardian would eventually have to rejuve him/herself. Even though it's unlikely, Vs would be the easiest to explain. They just want to stay a kid.

Psycholos are more likely to happen pre the Carl Barker Scandal only because it was more common to rejuve as a psi before the trial.

Medicalos are the most likely to be rejuved into permanent childhood depending on what is wrong with them.

Innocentatas are possible only due to the law that Lurking Dragon told Nadia Salem to help with a conclusion to her main characters problem with the rank system. If a I is rejuved unwillingly while still a child and not for a crime they keep their rank. The medical reason is more likely to cause them to be rejuved into permanent childhood.


A writer actually tried to write a penny with a sentence of permanent childhood. Although there was other issues with the story that caused people to be upset, one of the biggest problems that made it not a rejuve story was the fact that all penny sentences have to have an end. Large sentences are given to people who kill and or rape kidern, but their sentences do eventually end. The fact that sentences eventually end was told to Nadia Salem by Lurking Dragon, the author of the rejuve universe itself.

Jenny's Permanent childhood

Spoiler Alert

Jenny is truly in permanent childhood. She cannot get past her 19th birthday till a real cure is found.

The Math without the treatment (this is what would have happened not what happens)

Originally, the disease causes death after three years in someone past puberty and 1 year before puberty. It is why Jenny's death happens on her birthday.

Jenny is rejuved to 6 years old involuntarily.

She is in remission for one year and assuming she survives the other stages she becomes 8 years old when rejuving 2 years 9 months making her 5 years 3 months.

She is again in remission for one year and and rejuves on her 7 years 3 months birthday making her 4 years six months old.

She is again in remission for a year and rejuves on her 6 years nine 6 months birthday making her 3 years 9 months old.

She is again in remission for a year and rejuves on her 5 years 9 birthday and becomes 3 years old.

Finally she is in remission for a year and rejuves on her 5th birthday which makes her 2 years 3 months old and either died of too much rejuvenation or uses ellies machine to die the next time she needs to be rejuved in 2 years.

The math with the treatment

Jenny is rejuved to 6 years old involuntarily.

The treatment wasn't used on the first rejuve, so Jenny is in remission for a year and is emergency rejuved on her 8th birthday to be 5 years three months old.

She was being treated as a painkiller so the disease moves into remission for three years, but due to politics and her sister's love Jenny doesn't rejuve for 6 months which makes her 8 years 9 months old when she rejuves to 6 years old.

The rest will be numbers.

  • +3 years +3 months 6 years 3 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 6 years 6 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 6 years 9 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 7 years old
  • +3 years +3 months 7 years 3 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 7 years 6 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 7 years 9 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 8 years old
  • +3 years +3 months 8 years 3 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 8 years 6 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 8 years 9 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 9 years old
  • +3 years +3 months 9 years 3 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 9 years 6 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 9 years 9 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 10 years old
  • +3 years +3 months 10 years 3 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 10 years 6 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 10 years 9 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 11 years old
  • +3 years +3 months 11 years 3 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 11 years 6 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 11 years 9 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 12 years old
  • +3 years +3 months 12 years 3 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 12 years 6 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 12 years 9 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 13 years old
  • +3 years +3 months 13 years 3 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 13 years 6 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 13 years 9 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 14 years old
  • +3 years +3 months 14 years 3 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 14 years 6 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 14 years 9 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 15 years old

these assume the rejuve doesn't turn Jenny into a twelve-year-old but a thirteen-year-old each time instead.

  • +3 years +3 months 15 years 3 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 15 years 6 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 15 years 9 months old
  • +3 years +3 months 16 years old

Because of the rejuvenator's puberty barrier, Jenny can't do the three months age increase anymore. The disease at this point kills in three years due to the disease's puberty barrier. If Jenny doesn't rejuve the oldest she'd be would be 19 years old. Therefore she's permanently a child until a cure is found.

Captain's Spankings

The Introduction

It was only introduced in Innocentata Medicalos. It can be written in any series that has spaceships involved.

The Concept

The reason for this form of punishment to kidern or rejuves is to prevent endangering of the ship.

The Rules

1. The person has to have not done it deliberately, or it can't be proved it was deliberate. Common reason for Captain Spankings would be they can't prove intention in a courtroom. All deliberate endangering of the ship is dealt in criminal, juvenile or penny court.

2. The person receiving the spanking has to need to learn a lesson.

3. The Captain of the ship is the only one that is allowed to do a Captain's Spanking, so unless a new captain is appointed it has to be the current captain.

4. The Captain decides what instrument if any is used, but there are clear limits based on age. Rank only matters if they are kidern and then usually it's the hand for kiderns or the mothers helper paddle.

5. The punishment is started at the start of the parents shift, so that the child can stand (sit if penny) in the corner till the end of the parents shift.

6. It's up to the parent if their is more punishment after the spanking.

7. Nanolotion has to be applied no later than a week after the spanking.

8. It is also broadcasted live across the ship. Only very young kidern are not allowed to watch. Older ones watch to make sure they know what would happen if they commit such a act.

Most Common Reason for a Captain's Spanking

The few times a kid can endanger a ship is usually on Dispora where kids of all ages are able to visit parts of the ships that they aren't usually allowed to. The fieldtrips are under strict supervision by the teachers but anything can happen.

Jenny's Grades

As an Adult

When she took her nursing classes, Jenny got perfect As for every class except one, Moral and Ethics in Nursing. The reason is best described in her own words: "In a world full of immortals, no one believes in Euthanasia anymore." According to Jenny her reason for getting a B+ was because she wrote a paper on Euthanasia and got a C. She had to do a lot of extra credit to get it to a B+.

As a penny

On her first year as penny she got almost straight A's with the exception of an A+ in writing because she was far ahead of her class that she got extra credit for her stories.

On the second year, her grade went to an A- in anatomy and would have kept falling if she wasn't turned into an I not long after that.

As an IM

Jenny keeps getting an A+ in writing and As in everything else except the year Voltorn came out of remission her grade slipped again to an A-.

See also


Rejuve Universe
Rejuve Types PenitatasMedicalosVoluntarasInnocentatasCompletas
Stories Melody's StoriesSeth StoriesMaternal MatrimonyGracie MaePint-Sized EngineerJade growing up again
Comics Jade growing up again
Authors Lurking DragonDr. DisciplineCrimson KidRoguebflProfessor BobNadia Salem
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