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SMC or Service of Mankind Church brochure states:

Sanctuary of the Darkside Goddess
The Service of Mankind Church
P.O. Box 1335
El Cerrito, California 94530

Questions and Answers About the Darkside Goddess Sanctuary


THE SERVICE OF MANKIND CHURCH, SANCTUARY OF THE DARKSIDE GODDESS (also known as SMC, SM or Essemian Church) is a modern Natural Religion; committed to the restoration of some of the ancient women's religions worshipping the Great Goddess. We are interested in historical research of many ancient Goddess-based, matriarchal cultures to the extent of simulating the existence of such a society in our present time. The simulation could be extended to include a Goddess-based, Amazonian-like society, in which present day assumptions of the active and passive gender roles respective to male and female are reversed, and women have assumed extraordinary powers. We are not afraid to explore a societal simulation where women become the oppressors and men the oppressed, even to the extent where men assume roles as slaves in a female dominant environment.

To explain what this has to do with Goddess worship - we offer the following. Since we believe that the worship of a male gender God has resulted in a rationalization for the legitimacy of a male dominant society, it then becomes apparent that the practice of Goddess worship could also have a similar effect upon gender dominance presumptions. If such an effect were to result in an inversion of the present societal paradigm (whereby the female becomes the dominant gender rather than the male), it may be concluded that such an inversion of gender dominance is an essential element of Goddess worship.

SMC believes that the ideal Goddess worship environment indicates the necessity for a female dominant societal paradigm, and thus retains as one of its principle religious objectives the acquisition of resources for the eventual creation of an isolated private communal living arrangement, where a Goddess-based, female-dominant, disciplined lifestyle can be fully effected. Insofar as we believe that the realization of our unique communal lifestyle objective is a 'Goddess-directed religious mission', SMC seeks special women and men who are prepared to experience the full consequences of living in such a communal situation, and are able to help bring such a commune into existence.


SMC has no unique theological teachings about God, except for the rejection of the odd notion that a "spiritual" God should require a biological gender. We are suspicious of those religious traditions which seem to have an extraordinary need to describe God as a 'He'; their image of an all-powerful, super-human, spiritual being is always shown as being male in gender. We believe this to be more the result of (male dominated) 'societal assumptions', rather than being based on logical or theological reasoning. We offer a unique opposing alternative by recognizing and emphasizing the female aspect of the (same) all-powerful 'God'.


A: SMC's theological beliefs involve more the 'QUEST' (i.e., study) of ancient Goddess Religion history and mythology, rather than teachings of any set orthodoxical beliefs. Rather than seek for "believers", we prefer instead to invite others to share in our Quest for increasing our knowledge of the Goddess, to study the ways of the ancient Goddess-based societies, and to explore practical applications of ancient traditions to develop new rituals for our present time.


The word 'religion' really means "re-link ing". And the basic commitment of SMC involves re-linking some parts of present-day (male-dominated) technocratic society, with a distant past where 'Goddesses' (rather than any 'Gods') were natural to the collective consciousness of all rational beings. Yes, SMC is really involved with religion. Some SMC Rituals originate from the mythology of the "darkside" (Mahavidya) goddesses of ancient India. Herein one finds the paradigm of the powerful, awesome, and sometimes cruel feminine deity who demands male surrender and obeisance. It is from this source that SMC's 'Sanctuary of the Goddess' derives its ritual traditions, based upon acts of surrender and subjugation of the male principle, as being a sincere spiritual expression of the religious devotional practices of Tantric Shaktism.


Even though few admit it, sex is a part of 'every' religion. See how prevailing religious influences can affect strict laws to control not only sex but sexuality itself. SMC believes that it is better to involve the use of eroticism in religious 'celebration' rather than religious litigation to have one group's sexual preferences prevail over another.

Moreover, SMC's devotion to the practice of 'Shaktism' (a unique form of worship of the Mahavidya Goddesses) is rooted in Tantrism. And Tantrism is based upon the use and control of eroticism as being an essential element of religious practice.


From the earliest times known, religions traditionally have made sensuality a natural and normal part of their religious experience. Nearly all of these earlier religious traditions were Goddess-oriented. It was not until after the patriarchal suppression of matriarchal religions that sensuality become an "immoral pagan" practice to be condemned by patriarchal churches. However, the practice of Tantric Shaktism requires that we confront and experience our sensuality as an expression of the necessary surrender to the 'Goddess who dwells within'. Therefore, the subject of sensuality must be included as a regular aspect of our religious devotional exercises and rituals.


No, but here we can see the confusion over the term of "free", which to most people implies "irresponsible". Since total freedom and total responsibility is something few people are willing to accept, people seek to escape from freedom and responsibility by hiding behind cloaks of "respectability" while criticizing those who dare to take responsibility for acts of investigating 'alternative sexuality'. SMC's most controversial position on sexuality is the notion that full control of a sex act be reserved for the female instead of the male. Such a notion is extremely antithetical to a patriarchal society. SMC advocates: (1)since the woman is the 'child bearer', it should be only the 'woman' who initiates and controls all sexual activity; and (2) all sexual activity should be "Life Affirming" (i.e., safe sex practices, and taking responsibility to exclude unplanned pregnancy).


As there is a certain communal benefit that can result from the coordinated efforts of individuals who share the same interests (i.e., 'religious Common Belief'), SMC's purpose is to provide the community coordination and legal organizational structure necessary to best socially and economically share the benefits and costs of our Quest. As our Quest is a "religious purpose" activity, by being organized as a church we can far better provide for the transfer and sharing of resources in the same privileged situation that exists for other tax-exempt, nonprofit, religious corporations. Moreover, as the practice of some Essemian Rituals may be considered controversial, by being organized as a church we can invoke U.S. Constitutional protection for the freedom to practice our religion as we interpret it to be, and offer 'Sanctuary' to all who share in the same desire to practice our Common Belief.


If you take "S/M" to mean "sado-masochistic" sexual deviation, involving senseless cruelty to cause injury or harm to another, the answer is "No!" Make no mistake about this! As a caring, humanistic church, SMC opposes cruel, senseless violence in any form. But if you take "S/M" to mean, as it was intended, "Shakti Mysticism", then the answer would be a qualified "Yes". Our involvement with this form of "S/M" actually describes a situation where one may experience a deep, psychically intense spiritual fulfillment by participating in orchestrated rituals of surrender to iconographic forms of the darkside Mahavidya Goddesses. We see this as the most sincere expression of devotion to 'Shakti Mysticism', and it is the only kind of "S/M" that the SMC invokes in its religious practices.


Demonstrating our interests and respect for antiquity, we make anthropological note of the use of "expiation" or "atonement" rites from the oldest primitive, to even a few of the modern religions. Such rites, where a consensual sacrifice or suffering was freely given as an offering to a deity to grant pardon for a past wrong, or to ask for some future favor, was a natural and common occurrence and thus is also recognized by our church as the physical manifestation of a 'devine petition'. The sincerity of the petition defines the severity of the expiation or atonement. This Rite is conducted by an Essemian Priestess and her 'Dakini Initiates' (women trained in assisting a Priestess in rituals). Here devotees may present their petition to the Goddess through a Priestess by consenting to endure mild to severe forms of restraint, mortification, and/or corporal-based correction. We believe that a deeply sincere commitment to this Rite, which of course is purely optional, improves one's chances of a petition being granted by the Goddess, as well as better preparing one to deal with the reality of everyday life.


Membership benefits can vary considerably according to the degrees of commitment a member is willing to make. Whether one is satisfied by: (1) opt for minimal involvement by receiving SMC regular publications and a membership card as a (Level 1) General Member; (2) take steps to become more actively involved as a (Level 2) Special Member, (by becoming a regular and active participant in SMC's local Volunteer Group) and helping SMC to achieve its objectives; or (3) advance through Level 2 to become an (Level 3) Initiate in one of SMC's special religious orders for women and men is up to the individual member. The greater the commitment, the greater is the involvement and thus, perchance, the greater the potential for personal fulfillment. The more active member is far more likely to meet, talk and possibly share experiences with other members of the Essemian Community. But most of all we believe that the greatest benefit that SMC can offer any of its members (as members of a "Religious Community Who Share a Quest"), is the opportunity for a 'respectful association' with others with whom you may share very special benefits.


Borrowing heavily upon those "secret recognition systems" of the ancient Goddess-based (Women-Kraft) religions, SMC members have special means to allow themselves be recognized only by 'other members', even though they may might never have met before. It's possible that someone you may see every day may be displaying one of several SMC recognition signs. These recognition signs may consist of wearing medallions with special symbols, or there may be more subtle signs, such as displaying buttons picturing some of the various ancient forms of 'male dominating Goddess' images that can be found in our publications. If you were not a member, you would not know how to recognize this or respond to it. Thus recognition and communication shall always remain the option of the individual member.


One begins by first becoming a Subscribing Member (just fill out and return the Membership Application form provided with this Q&A pamphlet). At this point you become a Level 1 Subscribing Member, and will receive regular publications from SMC. This is more than just a way to get new subscribers. On the contrary. We are aware that SMC's unique religious beliefs are a factor which attracts many whose interests may be limited to only a 'prurient pursuit', and thus may have little or no potential or intention in developing an understanding of, or appreciation for, the spiritual aspects of our unique philosophy. We also encounter some people who already have the appropriate background and disposition to quickly grasp our philosophy and are ready to advance. We prefer a gradual process for mutual acquaintance; you learn more about SMC simply by reading our publications. SMC learns more about you through your letters expressing interest or questions. This is especially the case for the greater majority of members who live outside the state of California, or Californians living distant from the San Francisco Bay Area.


SMC was originally set up to serve a small number (less than 300). Since late 1989, interest in the form of inquiries, and the potential for membership growth, has been increasing to the point of overwhelming our present organizational structure. To respond to these increasing growth needs, several special growth- response objectives have been decided upon and identified accordingly for the potential new member:

(1) Permanent Facility: Heretofore, SMC has relied upon the occasional use of member's homes or rented space to carry out its programs. SMC has grown to the point that it must now acquire a permanent membership facility (Darkside Goddess Temple) in the San Francisco Bay Area, in order to expand its services and programs, and provide greater access to its membership.

(2) Volunteers: SMC needs an increase in the number of volunteers who can commit time on a regular basis to helping SMC in a number of tasks to meet its goals. Therefore, for those who live locally in the S.F. Bay Area who are interested, SMC will hold a General Membership & Orientation Meeting once a month for the purpose of recruiting people to join SMC's Volunteer Group.

(3) National Membership Organization: SMC has long been considering ways in which to export not only its philosophy, but also to replicate some form of its structure and activity to other areas in other parts of the country. These efforts are now just beginning to take form with our first 'Essemian Center' outside of California with the Northeast Region Essemian Sanctuary in East Hartford, Connecticut, under the direction of Priestess Laura Goodwin.


First you should know that SMC was once plagued by a disproportionate ratio of male to female in its membership gender balance. We have managed to deal with this problem by instituting a sliding scale that favors couples and single women.

The basic rate at this time (assumes single male) is $45 a year. Sliding scale for couples ($35) or single women ($20) is effected only when the Membership Application is accompanied with a letter from a woman that: (1) identifies herself as a single female, or female half of a couple; and (2) states in her letter her interest in SMC's philosophy from a feminine perspective. A male who, even as part of a couple, joins without the knowledge, consent, and/or expressed co-interest of his spouse or female partner, does not qualify as a couple and must join as a Single Male (Pre-op TS's and "TV personas" must also join as a Single Male).

But, you cannot join SMC simply by sending money. Please note that joining is by application only where signature stating legal age a disclaimer about receiving mature material. Since the application requires a signature, we prefer to send you an application together with a sample of our printed material, and that you read this material before appying for membership.


Yes! We invite you to send for a sample copy of:

1. "THE ESSEMIAN WAY" - $15.00* The official SMC quarterly "Newsletter/Zine"


What is important about the Essemian Manifesto, and why should you get it? Because there was a reason you are reading this now. What is that reason? What is the religious basis of the philosopy of the "Darkside Goddess," and why is it that leather clad women with whips are perceived as "goddesses?" Is there a spiritual reason why more and more women are beginning to believe it is their destiny to control men? Is there a spiritual reason why more and more men are surrendering themselves to these women? You can find some of these answers in the Essemian Manifesto, 61 pages with illustrations and photos.

Photos include the showing of an actual ritual performed in San Francisco where an Essemian Priestess punishes a man (naked) in chains. She makes him crawl on the floor in his chains to the foot of her throne where she has him whipped. These photographs were not contrived or staged for any media production, but are scenes from a real S M Church, Sanctuary of the Darkside Goddess ritual, and performed by real people (not actors or models) who have a sincere belief they were practicing their faith by sacrificing to obtain Her Divine Grace by making such an offering to the Darkside Goddess, --Kali.

1995 Service of Mankind Church, Sanctuary of the Darkside Goddess.


Dear Editor:

Let me share a little something special with you. A new organization in the S&M scene has opened in San Francisco. It is called the Society of the Essemian Orders and is located at 367 - 13th St., San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 552-6097, in a house, rented for this purpose. They are putting on special events. The contact is either Bill Burns or Robin Stewart.

One event they just had that I participated in was super! The theme had to do with all slaves as prisoners in Kiev, Russia during the very early 40s-and were turned over to the most dominant females of the Nazi order for interrogation as to how they got to Russia and on what pretense. A list of five questions was prepared by the Mistresses for all slaves to read and to choose one of the questions regarding their plight. Once chosen, each slave had to invent his own reasoning processes and prepare himself for questioning by these dominant female interrogators. No matter how logical we may have responded, the interrogator would not believe us and would then proceed to amuse herself in this process in whatever way pleased her.

When it ended, even if in deceit of the truth, or the truth itself, the prisoner had then to go to another group of interrogators, following a reasonable rest period and then try to keep his story matching, believable and convincing enough to get off the hook. The evening lasted a good four hours and the fun commitments involved were exactly as you would imagine. Female supremacy completely reigned.

I urge you to make contact with them and seek out for yourselves something of their functions, purpose and membership. I had a great deal of fun at a very nominal "donation." I am sure they will be very happy to send you whatever material you would like for your newsletter. I enjoy being subjugated beneath the female body, whether by foot, buttocks, ,etc. The torture rooms in the basement hadeverything the imagination could want, and the girls kept in uniforms of white blouses, short black skirts, heels or boots and a little armband.

We took pictures that night-am sure they are available. The Essemian Socity is formed under a church structure for protective purposes, therefore only "donations" are accepted.

With warm and friendly regards,

Quentin Rink


By Robin Roberts of Backdrop

Just a quick update to the SMC history stuff:

SMC was formed (primarily) by Bill, Sarona, Ken and Devora in the Mid-70s. They were all members of BackDrop who wanted a organization that was more FemDom themed.

Bill Burns and Robin Stewart still run The Essemian Church.

A Personal Note from Robin

Devora is still a ProDom doing sessions here in the SFO bay area.

Sarona wound up living with me for a while. She is now approaching her 50th birthday and is currently living in Las Vegas.

Quentin (who wrote the original article) was one of the original members of Backdrop. He moved to Las Vegas, Nevada where he married E.

He died a few years back. He will forever be missed

/s Robin Roberts


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