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Free Speech Coalition lawyer Jeffrey Douglas says the need for legislative advocacy became apparent in the wake of that decision. The pornography lobby has subsequently taken on a more significant role as the arrival of the video rental industry and then the Internet have facilitated consumer access to sexually explicit material.
Free Speech Coalition lawyer Jeffrey Douglas says the need for legislative advocacy became apparent in the wake of that decision. The pornography lobby has subsequently taken on a more significant role as the arrival of the video rental industry and then the Internet have facilitated consumer access to sexually explicit material.

Today, in addition to defending industry labor practices and addressing perennial public concerns about “Triple X” content, lobbyist Sunlove also exerts her influence to protect the pornography industry from so-called “sin” taxes, such as those now imposed on cigarettes, as well as restrictions on the public’s access to pornography along with the industry’s distribution practices.
Today, in addition to defending industry labor practices and addressing perennial public concerns about “Triple X” content, lobbyist Sunlove also exerts her influence to protect the pornography industry from so-called “sin” taxes, such as those now imposed on [[cigarettes]], as well as restrictions on the public’s access to pornography along with the industry’s distribution practices.

For Sunlove, who quips that her story could be titled “Mistress Kat goes to Sacramento,” lobbying may not be very different from her previous work as a dominatrix.
For Sunlove, who quips that her story could be titled “Mistress Kat goes to Sacramento,” lobbying may not be very different from her previous work as a dominatrix.

Revision as of 21:20, 10 February 2022

This article is titled
Legends of Dominance  - 22
by Mistress Michelle Peters et al.
and posted with permission
(All information herein is provided by author)

Legends of Dominance Article Index
Also see: Name Cross Reference

Mistress Kat


Template:Legend See also Kat Sunlove

History of the Free Speech Coalition

The Free Speech Coalition was founded in 1991 as a result of numerous government attacks against producers and retailers of adult products. But its roots are embedded deep within the birth and development of adult entertainment in the United States.

The concept of an organization as a rallying point for those who believe in the free expression of adult-themed works began as early as 1970. The first truly national group to emerge was the Adult Film Association of America (AFAA). At that time, adult entertainment was only available in adult theaters and bookstores so early members were largely theatrical exhibitors. With the advent of inexpensive home videos, the AFAA morphed into the Adult Film and Video Association of America (AFVAA).

The next significant event that galvanized the AFVAA was the arrest of Hal Freeman for pandering. Prosecutors wanted to establish once and for all that paying performers to have sex in a film was an act of prostitution. Freeman won that legal battle, which redefined the use of the pandering laws relative to providers of adult product. As video productions became the dominant factor in the marketplace, theatrical exhibition diminished. Video chains and many independent stores in suburbs and smaller cities started carrying adult fare. Overzealous law enforcement officials subjected more and more retailers to "obscenity" charges. Then in 1990, under the first Bush administration, the Federal government attacked most of the major manufacturers of adult video with a sting operation designed to destroy the industry. In response, the Free Speech Legal Defense Fund (FSLDF) was formed by industry leaders to protect the rights of members in all areas of adult entertainment.

In 1997 FSC retained Kat Sunlove as California lobbyist to represent its legislative interests in the state. Efforts to make adult industry views heard and to build relationships in the State Capitol have been very successful. Sunlove introduced an annual lobbying training program for FSC members entitled Celebrate Free Speech Lobbying Days, and FSC has produced that event each year since to high acclaim.

Mistress Kat interview

The following is interview done by Countess Anne from Lashes Magazine, Vol. 2 number 6 , 1981 of Mistress Kat and Mouse aka Penny Sunlove and Layne Winklebeck of the Spectator Magazine ( first printed 6-11-78) Mistress Kat provided a weekly columns called, "The Kat Box," in that era was one of the first ever over and open S/M features. Kat helped chronicle fledgling het and bi Bay Area S/M community. MM

C.A. Why don't you begin by telling who you are and how you view S/M?

KAT: Mouse and I began exploring S/M as part of our love relationship about two years ago. As we played, we found that the closer our experiences came to "reality", the hotter they were. I also found this to be true later when I worked professionally for a while. So, our basic attitude is that people who engage in S/M should allow something REAL to happen within themselves, not just behaviorally.Since we want our S/M experiences, our "scene", if you will, to be real, we don't use "safe words". (Words used by the submissive when the action is too heavy for him.) We do this because we feel that if the dominant cannot tell where her submissive is--by intuition (or telepathy), physical signs, strategic communications -- then she shouldn't be dominating in the first place. She should be able to tell where it's hot, where it's not, and where the stopping point is. She should know how to take her submissive beyond some of the limits he thinks he has.

C.A.: How would the dominant be able to tell all this without words being spoken?

KAT: We think that it is telepathic. It happens at nonverbal levels. What I experience, at a physical level, is a deep, hot rush in my cunt, a pre-orgasm kind of feeling. When I feel that during a session, I know I've gone as far as possible with that submissive at that time. When it's hot for me, it's hot for the submissive---99% of the time. The energy transference that sends me this rush I speak of almost never lies to me. It comes from the purity of the emotions and motivations of both dominant and submissive. If I pursue what I want in a session - my own pleasure, for real -- and if the submissive sincerely wants to pursue my pleasure, even at the expense of his own, then that magic happens, that ``rush comes through.

C.A.: Where does pain fit into this?

KAT: When the pain I am administering reaches a point where the submissive is actually GIVING of himself-- where he is having to plumb his own depths to find the ability to take the pain for me- -then I get a rush. Something real is happening. I have real power, and I feel it.

Power doesn't exist in a vacuum; it has to be demonstrated. By the submissive making such a sacrifice for me through pain or humiliation, it illustrates my power, makes it real. When it reaches that point of realness, I feel it in this "cunt rush".

C.A.: Mouse, why don't you speak on this issue. You have a similar rush, right?

MOUSE: Yes, we have it together. We look at each other and one will say, "Did you feel that?" and the other will answer, "Yes, I did!" When Kat gets this rush, I feel it just as when I get a rush, she feels it.

KAT: This is what has led us to feel that S/M at its best is telepathic. Our own personal belief system includes telepathy, E.S.P., psychic phenomenon and such. When we started playing with S/M, I began experiencing feelings and psychic sensations that I've never felt in this circumstance before. I would turn to my partner and ask if he felt something different and what it was. From these experiences, we concluded that S/M could be telepathic, mutual and connected to the opening of some channels of energy in ourselves that are hard to open and don't get opened very often.

I think the channel for the Dominant is in finding feelings of wickedness, of wanting to hurt, of using power and pushing out that yang end of the spectrum to where she is really exercising power, far beyond what the average woman gets to do in everyday life. The channel to that part of ourselves is usually blocked off because girls are told it is not nice to be wicked, selfish, cruel. "Don't be a bad girl", everyone says. Boys, on the other hand, are warned again­st "being a doormat for some woman", against being wimpy, or soft or gentle. "Don't let yourself be used, exploited," they're told.

We close off entire parts of ourselves as a early conditioning. When we open the door that leads to these repressed feelings, we get that "rush" I've been talking about.

We don't usually open these doors in everyday life. For two people to do this leads to another form of communication. To indulge in such communication is a form of freedom. It is the freedom to allow oneself to LET GO a little, be what and who you are, and be loved for it. I feel my two year experience in S/M has been beyond liberating for me. It's been scary and exciting to explore parts of myself that I didn't want to look at before. I denied that they even existed.

For example, I've become much more tolerant. I'm reluctant to criticize anybody's trip. My understanding of my own sexuality has been opened up. Through S/M, I have tried new things that I had once thought would not turn me on, only to find that they DID turn me on. I just continue to experiment.

C.A.: Would you say then that S/M can have a beneficial effect on people's everyday life?

KAT: I don't believe that S/M will cure problems or rectify shortcomings that a person may have. However, there may be some spin- offs into every day life. When I worked professionally, I would often tell my submissives to do certain things during the time they were away from me that would cultivate submissiveness in them in the straight world, such as, be more gentle, practice certain receptive behaviors, learn to be less directive and uncaring. In general, to try and let things happen TO them instead of forcing or trying to make things happen FOR them.

For women, I think they can learn, as I have learned, a different kind of self confidence, a different sense of their own power and how to use it, not just in erotic play, but in everyday life. For example, I think a woman can learn to be more decisive, more directive, to be able to state her case without giving ground or being obnoxiously aggressive.She can learn to stand firm.

C.A.: S/M is more than a sexual game, obviously. It is beneficial to a person's growth and to situations outside the bedroom. What would you say to the novice dominant to help her better understand what S/M really is?

KAT: Who knows what S/M "really" is.... I call S/M a game when it is dealt with as a game, such as at parties where people agree in advance on rules and preconditions of S/M behavior for the evening. I tend to differ from this in that when I decide to play with someone-- i.e., have an experience with them--it comes to me as something that I FEEL, not something that I THINK. I experience a sort of telepathic twinge that says to me: "There is good energy in this person. Energy that I can use to get off, to feel that rush."

S/M can be a form of living in that it contains physical action, psychological aspects, as well as spiritual, psychic, emotional factors. Straight sex usually does not involve all these ingredients of life the way S/M does.

MOUSE: The way most women get involved with S/M is that some submissive man introduces them to it. Usually they don't even know that this sort of thing is available to them. The woman usually feels that this is just another trip that the male is asking her to do for him. Maybe she goes ahead and tries to do it. But as long as she keeps the attitude that it is all for the man, she will never find that real, rich energy of S/M. In order for her to find something else in it, she must realize - and I guess that's where this kind of magazine article can help - she has to realize that there's something in it for her. The man who led her into this at the start may NOT be the one that can help her catch onto that. THAT man might THINK he wants a certain mechanical behavior: he may not realize that there is more to be had in a true relationship, then EVERYTHING becomes ex­ citing. Power in relationships is always there if you want to play with it. Everything gets eroticized in two people's lives when they let S/M out of the bedroom, and let it become more real.

KAT: I have noticed in your magazine a concern for women, and a desire to help them understand the S&M scene. I appreciate that, because I think there are a lot of pitfalls for women to watch out for. In our workshops last spring, for example, we talked a great deal to the men about not ``leaving egg on her face." We call it the, "Not now, dummy," syndrome. The guy has a certain scene he wants to do and he has told his woman friend about it, encouraging her to jump in there and be dominant over him. So one night, she feels the energy to do that, and decides, "All right, I'm hot and I want to play now." She comes on to him dominantly and he says, "Not now, dum­ my". This is a real negative message for a woman who has just begun to explore S/M. The kind of partner she's with, and the type of reactions she receives are really critical to her confidence and ability to project dominant energy. She's likely not to want to it again if she gets the now, dummy", reaction.

C.A.: It stands to reason that men have been taught that they are the dominant on and even in a session, a man will try to tell the dominant what to do and how. What you suggest to the woman that can help overcome the situation?

KAT: I think it would be more productive for me to tell man what HE should be doing. There is a tricky part to this, in that the man most often physically bigger and consciously has physical power, even if he is consciously trying to experience erotic submission. Lots of times he is the one calling shots. This does NOT enhance the woman's feelings of dominance and power. So a man must open himself to the idea of experiencing REAL SLAVERY and submission to the woman, meaning being willing to be submissive whenever SHE feels like being dominant, being willing to do what SHE wants to do. If not, if he retains power by telling her what he wants , he'll never experience the very thing he's wanting to experience: the erotic feelings of TRUE SUBMISSION. He's just GOT to let go of some power. That means he can't be the one who decides "when".

I think the woman should set this up from the very start. If a boyfriend or husband wants her to be dominant, she should realize that "dominant" means being in control. So she should take control right then and there by saying early on that it will have to be when SHE wants to do it, and ONLY when she wants to do it. (Hopefully, there will be many times when they BOTH want to.

Otherwise, she is not in control. She will be fooling herself (or trying to) and will end up feeling like a game player who is doing it for him. But as for her being dominant? That's a joke!

This goes back again to the energy. When the woman feels her power and wants to get involved in S/M play, then by Goddess, that's when it should happen because THAT'S WHEN IT'S REAL.

I'm not saying that she should not be sensitive to his moods. In a love relationship, there are many different levels of interaction.

Basically, I think that the message to the man is: "Let go of what you think you want and let it be what she wants, when she wants it and how she wants it. " Try that and see if you don't have ex­ periences BEYOND your fantasies.

MOUSE: To the women, I would say: "Try to understand the need for submission in men and what almost limitless power you have over them. So, if you say to the man, "O.K., I will play with this, but it has to be `my way,' most likely the man will agree". The amount of leverage and power women have is incredible. Women get all fucked up in S/M when they try to follow their man's lead into it. By doing his trip, they are actually being the submissive ones; and, in many cases, after the man has cum, he feels resentful toward her and insults her maybe because he has guilt feelings that he cannot handle. When it is in the woman's hands, what happens in the scene, these bad feelings are minimized.

KAT: There are many people who feel shameful about their desire for S/M. Nothing deadens the energy as much as guilt, on either side, dominant or submissive. Guilt can completely stop the energy flow.

I certainly don't think S/M is sick. In fact, I think it is healthy in some real deep ways that we don't even understand. I think it is the FEAR of S/M tendencies or desires - fear of a part of ourselves that we keep hidden -- that fear is what is wrong. It closes doors to channels of energy, and creates guilt.

I think that this same fear is what is behind the "safe word" syndrome. The fear comes from a basic distrust of the other person, rather than the high degree of trust that good S/M requires. And each person may fear to face the fact that they really ENJOY S/M. Society has given S/M and male submissiveness a bad name and it is this programming that makes the male feel that what he craves and desires is dirty, sick. If he finds someone who is willing to explore dominance with him, she is quickly tainted in his mind by her association with him and his perverted fantasies. Such distrust of the dominant can cause the man to cling to his need to control. But control negates the submissive experience. So there it is. What could be a hot experience becomes a silly charade since the man is still basically the dominant.

So you have to respect your own desires as O.K. and respect the other person -- love them, in fact -- for their willing exploration with you. Respect comes from recognising the value and healthiness, the deep beauty of this experience. It is marvellous to experience such levels of intimacy with another soul. It's fabulous! We don't get to feel this sort of thing everyday!

For example, we sit here now just as three bodies instead of being aware of the consciousness being manifested in these three bodies which are able to hook up telepathically. Our auras are probably overlapping each other right now but we aren't able to connect here socially like I connect with a submissive erotically, when that energy is roaring between us. All the walls are down the barriers are gone we are one. How can anyone say this is wrong? We are fortunate to be able to experience it.

C.A.: Coming back to an earlier question: what advice would you give a novice dominant?

KAT: I think my message to the novice dominant is to fantasize herself as being desired by many men, who are lined up in front of her ready to pleasure her in any way she says. When she tires of one she simply tells another to come and please her. If this is exciting to her then she should realize that she has almost this type of situation at her fingertips. It is, however, not just a sexual trip; it is also a power trip and the infliction of pain--physical and/or mental--should be exciting to her as well.

I want to talk again about pain, as that seems to be the most misunderstood aspect, especially, of S/M. I think pain is a communicator. It is an internal and external communicator. Internally, pain is the body's response to intense sensation. It says; "Something is happening here, pay attention". Externally, it communicates, or is a vehicle for transmitting that energy of dominance and submission that is felt as a rush in the genitals. When I am working with a submissive and am inflicting pain, I watch for the pain plateau, the threshold beyond which the pain is felt as unpleasant, too intense. The threshold varies with each person and depending on how turned on they are. But before that point, the pain is felt as something physical, psychological, emotional and something in the system is able to turn the experience into pleasure. There is a fine line there. The instant I reach that line is exactly when I feel a high rush--a roaring inside me of erotic energy. Beyond that point I lose my rush and I know I've gone too far. If I lose my own rush, I know that I've lost my submissive. So, of course, I tend to stay at that place where I get the highest rush. If I lose it, I know I've gone past that point and need to back off to the point where I get my rush back. The pain and the rush I get from it communicates to me where my submissive is.

MOUSE: For me, the early part of pain hurts and is not necessarily erotic, up to a certain point. Then all of a sudden it goes past some threshold. When that happens it becomes magically transmuted into something erotic.

KAT: That's the grey area that's the line the place I try to get to--before that, I'm not feeling a rush. Again, it's as though I go through the early part trusting that if I keep it up, I will get to that place that I like. And if I don't, then I know something else is wrong and I have to stop and do something different.

MOUSE: It's not the pain only. It is psychological also.

KAT: It is a complex formula. No one aspect can get us there. It's all the aspects. Both partners must believe in it: the dominant must be focusing on her own pleasure and not on what she thinks HE'S going to get out of it and the submissive must be focusing on HER pleasure and not on what he thinks he's going to get out of it. Any of those things missing can close the door part-way. It's a very elusive energy.

It is a very creative process of getting to the place where those doors are open. The energy teases me--I feel it, lose It, then it fills me until it is full­blown, wide open and fills my being.

MOUSE: In a way you can draw an analogy to the opening of the heart in love energies. It is very similar; both hearts have to be open before that love energy can be felt. That is telepathic too. To me, being submissive is letting go of my attachments.

In our relationships we become really attached to belief systems that tell us that we're supposed to have or to be certain things. The dominant controls my mind to the point where I am able to release these attachments and be free to feel intense pleasure because the pain is intense. We become attached to what we think we're supposed to feel and until someone takes us into a different area, we are limited.

Men particularly are so into controlling, they are not used to letting go of this thought attachment and letting things happen TO them. When they do it is so much of a relief, To me anyway.

KAT: I can speak for the dominant and what I let go of when the magic happens. I let go of concern, of caring. The same restrictions that are placed on us not to feel pain-- those things you say you let go --by the same token, the dominant lets go of thinking she has to be a nice girl. She as hell and that means letting go of concern for another human being.

Now, I don't mean totally. There is always a part of ourselves that is aware--common sense, good judgement, human caring. S/M is really a loving experience. But you do let go of that immediate moment-by - moment process of "Is he liking this? is this what he wants? Am I doing this O.K.?" You focus instead on "I like this. I want to do more than this. I'm going to do whatever.. But with ``I being the focus.

MOUSE: It's too bad you have to do that. That's why I feel it is more profound to be submissive. Because in our relationship, you (Kat) have to hold onto a little piece of yourself and be responsible,you can't ever let go totally, you come pretty close sometimes.Whereas,l can let go totally.I come pretty close sometimes. My job is to be totally submissive and your job is to be ALMOST totally dominant.

KAT: I want to relate an incident that is pretty common, but is very important for me. mouse and I had been playinq with the energy all evening, but I couldn't quite get "there". I was beginning to get irritated because of the elusiveness of this energy, and so I was cropping Mouse pretty soundly. But still no great rush. Finally, I said to myself, "What am I doing this for? I'm whipping him but I'm not feeling what I want to feel." I realized I was concerned about Mouse. Then, I let go, and in my soul and heart, I said "Fuck him!" and was like magic. From being concerned about him and what I was doing, to letting go and unblocking the energy. I let go and we went.

KAT: It's a telepathic, mutual thing and something like the cart before the horse.Did I say "Fuck the energy." Maybe it was me or him, I don't care, or did he say, "Yes, she's really into really it",

MOUSE: Maybe I was blocking business? thinking that you weren't. Who knows. It just happened and there is a physical and emotional experience that takes place that we define like hypnosis and call a "rush".

MOUSE: It is about going into the shadows. Going into dark places in ourselves and exploring things that have been bugaboos for the human race for centuries. We just think that the old technique of putting the lid on the id doesn't work very well.

Mistress Kat and Mouse have appeared before college classes, at community groups and on television. They offer an occasional work shop series for women, men and couples. couples. Currently, they are working on a stage production to be produced in San Francisco in the fall of 1981, tentatively titled "Lighten Up! Fantasies of a Dominant Woman". Mistress Kat and Mouse can be contacted at Box 1353, 2000 Center St., Berkeley, Ca. 94704).

The Term D/S

by Mistress Michelle Peters

I heard the other day , the term DS came from a AOL chat room in 1987. The 1987 reference may be to Gloria G. Brame's Compuserve SM group, which started in that year. It may be that this was the first exposure some people had to the term DS (which was being used there), and they therefore assumed that was where the term originated. Or it's possible that someone there coined the term DS, not realizing that it was already in use elsewhere. And possibly from her book a " Different Loving," written in 1993.

References have to DS are in 1981, from The Eulenpiegel Society's newsletter "Prometheus" and the Society of Janus's newsletter "Growing Pains." I believe the term D&S was popularized from Dr. Gini Graham Scott's book called ," Erotic Power, " an exploration of Dominance and Submission written in 1983. If notice in the acknowledgments the name Janus Society and the name Mistress Kat is credited. Mistress Kat wrote for the Spectator and was interviewed by Countess Anne in 1981, could Countess Anne been influenced by Mistress Kat's interview, because I first heard Countess Anne use the term D&S in her Lashes magazine in 1983. I do believe the term D&S became popular either by Countess Anne and her magazine Lashes and Lashes Lust Newspaper or Mistress Kat and her writings in the Spectator.

Mistress Kat


What's does take to get your photo in the group The Legends of Dominance??? Because you've been into B&D for a long period of time?? Because you wrote a book?? Because you do talks and demo's ?? Because you post a weekly website or do interviews?? It takes MORE than that , the people in that group made a difference , they laid the foundations to where B&D has gone today. They were the one's who made a path for the rest of us and continue to influence many that they associate with. On the front cover of Lashes , Vol. 2 . No. 6, 1981 you will see a photo of Mistress Kat. Mistress Kat's Bio was written by Ruby.

Kat's Bio:


Since the early 1980's Kat Sunlove has been involved in the adult industry as a performer, journalist, educator, publisher of the San Francisco Bay Area’s free speech newspaper, Spectator Magazine, and since 1997 as lobbyist for the Free Speech Coalition. With a Masters in Political Science, some law school training and many years of political activism, Kat is well suited for the challenges of advocating for the interests of the adult industry. Better known as Mistress Kat to her submissive fans, Kat wrote an advice column on erotic dominance and submission in the early 80's for Spectator and later for the national magazine Chic, earning her the label of "the Dear Abby of S/m." As a journalist, Kat has been published in Gauntlet, The New Yorker magazine, Sacramento News & Review, AVN and AVN Online and Eros Magazine in Australia, among others, and has been interviewed for a number of publications, including The Hill, Wired Online, Libido, the Dallas Morning News, the Houston Chronicle, Sacramento Bee, the San Francisco Examiner, the LA Times, the Sydney Morning Herald, Australia’s Financial Times and the London Sunday Times. Together with FSC Board Chair Jeffrey J. Douglas, Kat was interviewed for a law review article in the Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal in 2004. She currently writes a monthly column on political issues affecting adult entertainment for Penthouse Forum.

Kat and Layne have been guest lecturers in numerous college classes including S.F. State University, University of the Pacific and the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. During the 1980’s, they appeared on many radio and television programs dealing with erotic fantasy play, censorship and sexual freedom. More recently, in her role as lobbyist for the adult industry, Kat has appeared on Nightline, CNN, the 700 Club, A&E and other major network shows.

Along with several other Bay Area women, Kat was featured as an "outlaw feminist" in the March 1995 issue of Penthouse Magazine. Labeled as a "Freedom Fighting Sex Mag Mogul," she was included as the "Eight of Hearts" in Annie Sprinkle's Pleasure Activists Playing Cards as well as the HBO special on the card deck.

She is a member of ACLU, Woodhull Foundation, NOW, COYOTE, the California Society of Association Executives, Capitol Network and was a founder of the anti-censorship group Californians Against Censorship Together. With her political science background and twenty-six years in the sex industry, Kat brings a unique perspective to any commentary on the social and sexual scene in America.

Major network shows.

Along with several other Bay Area women, Kat was featured as an "outlaw feminist" in the March 1995 issue of Penthouse Magazine. Labeled as a "Freedom Fighting Sex Mag Mogul," she was included as the "Eight of Hearts" in Annie Sprinkle's Pleasure Activists Playing Cards as well as the HBO special on the card deck.

She is a member of ACLU, Woodhull Foundation, NOW, COYOTE, the California Society of Association Executives, Capitol Network and was a founder of the anti-censorship group Californians Against Censorship Together. With her political science background and twenty-six years in the sex industry, Kat brings a unique perspective to any commentary on the social and sexual scene in America.

The Lobbyist

Produced by Joseph Angier

An estimated 95% of the commercial adult videos produced in the United States are made in California. On the Internet, the top five sex sites receive nearly four million unique visitors a day, as compared to the top five news sites, which attract around two and a half million unique visitors.

Historically, the public and media have debated the content of pornography and the extent to which the First Amendment can or should safeguard sexually explicit expression.

But few civic leaders have discussed pornography as a business, a big business in California, with a huge labor force of young women and men. It also an industry with practices most would say fall on the seamy side.

In the late 1990s, proposals to impose a “sin” tax on adult videos as well as more recent complaints of labor abuses raised the profile of the porn industry in Sacramento.

Any other industry of comparable size has long established lobbying groups that advocate for, or defend against, the industry’s interest in government, at both the state and federal level.

For the adult entertainment industry, however, Kat Sunlove is the lone registered lobbyist.

Once known as Mistress Kat, in the days when she worked as a dominatrix in San Francisco and published Spectator Magazine, Sunlove has spent the past five years lobbying in Sacramento on behalf of the Free Speech Coalition, a trade association for the adult entertainment industry.

Her work is in part a result of a California Supreme Court decision in 1989 that essentially legalized pornography in California, making it the only state where making [Pornographic film]]s has been legally challenged and upheld.

Free Speech Coalition lawyer Jeffrey Douglas says the need for legislative advocacy became apparent in the wake of that decision. The pornography lobby has subsequently taken on a more significant role as the arrival of the video rental industry and then the Internet have facilitated consumer access to sexually explicit material.

Today, in addition to defending industry labor practices and addressing perennial public concerns about “Triple X” content, lobbyist Sunlove also exerts her influence to protect the pornography industry from so-called “sin” taxes, such as those now imposed on cigarettes, as well as restrictions on the public’s access to pornography along with the industry’s distribution practices.

For Sunlove, who quips that her story could be titled “Mistress Kat goes to Sacramento,” lobbying may not be very different from her previous work as a dominatrix.

“The learnings that I got through SM play, about power itself, and being able to overlay that learning at the Capitol, has been very helpful,” says Sunlove. “Because it gives me a framework in which to view the various power figures there, who I need, and how to approach them.”

Take the time to view this video


This was compiled by Mistress Michelle

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