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This article is titled
Legends of Dominance
by Mistress Michelle Peters et al.
and posted with permission
(All information herein is provided by author)

Legends of Dominance Article Index
Also see: Name Cross Reference

slave patty ( the pooch )

Sir Michael and the Pooch
Mistress Destiny and the Pooch
Dave Nesor Strikes Again !!!

This month I am reviewing two videos made by our own crew. (Produced and Directed by Dave Nesor). If you have read my reviews in the past you know, that my preference is the amount of action -in a s/m video and the realtity. If somebody gets whipped, the whip should make real impact, the cries real and above all both parties must enjoy what is going on. It is ok when you pack it in a fantasy type story line, but the fantasy part should just be long enough to set the mood and not take over the whole film.

The above criteria I use when I review a film, so even when it is a Dave Nesor production I feel capable (non-biased) to write the review.

Before we get into the films, a little bit about what went on before the films were shot. Both Sir Michael and Mistress Destiny have performed in a variety of videos in the past. The videos "Night at Hellfire" and "Hellfire West" were films made of shows performed on stage in Detroit at the now defunct Hellfire Club. Show is the right word, and the show must go on. So it's impossible to bruise up the submissives, because there is another show the next day.

Mistress Destiny, performed in "Deep Spikes" and starred in "Rendezvous with Destiny", two good films, but in "Deep Spikes", Mistress Destiny is just the '"teaser", to make you buy the film. "Rendezvous with Destiny" is all Destiny, but according to Mistress Destiny she had to hold back, plus some heavy scenes were left at.the editing floor.

Anyway, Dave Nesor is famous (or infamous) for his documentary style of videography. He is known for his direct approach and he is capabable to translate the high energy and intensity of a scene into video.

Sir Michael, one of the innovators in the scene, is sft primarily known for his "Hell fire shows", and many forget that his involvement in the scene is real.

The relationship between him and his slaves is a true master/slave relationship!

You can have all the dominants in the world, all the video equipment ever made. But without a submissive who can take it, you really have nothing! "Patty the Pooch", is such a submissive, she craves the whip, she craves the humiliation and above all she craves Mistress Destiny and Sir Michael (When you read her article in this issue of Leather Underground you'll know).

So when Dave left for Detroit, to make the videos "Michael & The Pooch" and "Destiny and the Pooch", we who stayed at the home-front knew that something good was coming back: SIR MICHAEL AND THE POOCH It all starts, when pooch calls Mistress Destiny and askes if she can return to Detroit. Sir Michael who remembers, pooch too well from previous stays, insists that if pooch is going to live under one roof with him and Mistress Destiny, he'll set her straight before she has a chance to unpack one of her bags. The video is full of action, large doses of very original humiliation, painfull and exciting bondage and awful good s/m, needles, chains and plenty of dildo's.

Although, after watching Sir Michael, workover pooch. Most of us would at least try to stay out of trouble. Not "The Pooch", one day she was left alone and when Sir Michael and Mistress Destiny arrived home, pooch hadn't been able to control herself. The way pooch looked and behaved, it seemed she had frequented every Detroit biker bar and managed to outdrink most of them. Now it's Mistress Destiny's turn to get tough. Before pooch knows it she is in the dungeon and being worked on by probably the most gorgeous and at the same time most devilish female living on this planet today. You guessed it I am talking about the lovely Mistress Destiny! You name it. Mistress /Destiny uses it, cattle-prods, vaginal fisting, whipping, water-sports, the works!

This video is not for the squeemish, and please don't try to immitate the scene at home. Full length, full color, released by Slave Master Video productions.

--Compiled by Mistress Michelle & slave english

Dominant Mystique Newspaper
Vol. 7, No. 3, April 1986
Dominant Mystique Newspaper , Vol. 7, No. 3 , April 1986 was published by Esoteric Press, P.O. Box 30482 , Jamaica, NY. 11403.
Open Letter to a Mistress

Dear Sandy,

Enclosed is a true story one of my slaves wrote for me after one of our sessions together. I would love you to use it in your publication. I am also enclosing photos of myself, which you may print along with the story. My name is Marlene Miller and I live in Philadelphia. I have been into the scene (at the same location for five years. I have also been up to "Paddles" and have had the pleasure of meeting Mistress Donni and Michael. They made me feel at home.

To the Most Revered Mistress Marlene:
My Mistress Mariene

Today is Tuesday. As time passes, the date will have more meaning and then no meaning, i called You last Sunday, and asked You to call me back as soon as You could talk to me. i told You that it was, and is, extremely important to me that We discuss and settle Our Mistress/slave relationship, i personally would like to begin seriously today with You right now rather than write this letter, but i'm writing this letter because i know that You will never call me about being Your slave.

i would like to say that in any relationship, be it straight, or Mistress/slave, if the parties involved have mutually decided their roles and they are comfortable and want, need, and desire that role, then they have an obligation to each other and themselves to help one another to live that role to its fullest. Neither person should be concerned with the so-called "balanced" relationship because that is what is truly not fair. What is fair and truly right is making each other happy and satisfied regardless of what may appear to be fair or right to someone outside the situation. You need a slave, i'm a slave. We should have a Mistress/slave relationship, period, i have talked to You and i have offered my help and advice to get You to use me as Your slave, i don't seem to be able to convince You that being Your slave is what my hopes and dreams consist of You have often told me that You have strong desires to have and own a slave. Mistress Marlene, is say to You again, i want and need to be Your slave and would willingly do anything to make Your wishes and feelings a reality. That reality would be good for You and good for me. You seem to be worried about my sacrifices and what is "fair," - what is "fair" to me is to be Your slave because making those so-called sacrifices for You is what my life is all about. If You want to be "fair" to me, You will make me Your slave. If You want a slave, You have one for the taking. If You want to make me happy and content, You would make me Your slave.

This will be a day-to-day letter, Mistress Marlene. Some days will have longer entrees then others, but because i think of You every day i will write something down each day. The only exception will be Saturday, i don't know when i'll mail it or even if i'll mail it, but You will definitely get it. i hope that when You do read this i will be on my knees as You slave. Later on, i will try to explain to You just how deep my feelings are and why this letter had to be written, i love and worship You so much that if You would let me, i would not only make you the most important part of my life, but my sole reason for being. All i ask of You is to give me the chance to prove that what i'm saying is true. You have nothing to lose only a slave to gain. i have tried for over a year to convinve You by any and all ways that i know that we could be exceptionally good for each other. You would be the envy of all Dominants because You would have a real slave who would truly place Your wants and needs above all else. i would be so proud to be that slave, dedicating all my energy and thoughts to doing Your bidding and pleasing You.

Tomorrow is Wednesday. In the evening You have a seminar to attend, and if all goes as planned, i will call Mister Michael and ask to speak with Him. i have to know His true feelings about You having a slave and i have to hear it from Him. If He has any reservations against Your having me as Your slave, i will no longer bring the subject up. i will tell You that if You demand, at any time, that i become Your slave, i would serve You in spite of Mister Michael's feelings. You are the number one person in my life and, given the opportunity, everything and everyone would be put aside so that i could serve You without any reservations or hesitations.

There are things that will happen that i need to know He can accept. For example, Your normal disposition will probably become more dominant and demanding with little, if any, tolerance when Your orders or wishes are not immediately and without question obeyed. You might use me instead of Him because i am Your slave and dare not, would not, give You cause. Mister Michael might desire to please You in the same fashion as i, but You might use me because of Your dominant nature (An example would be Your using me for an extended body massage.) He will also have to realize that i work around both You and Him. If He needs to use the bathroom while i'm cleaning it, He only needs to say, "Stop, slave, I have to use the bathroom." He should also realize that i'm there to serve Him as well. If You are out, or involved in a session and He wants His feet or body massaged, that's what i'm there for. If He needs sexual relief in any form or fashion, all He has to do is tell me. i would be Your slave, Mistress Marlene, and that means serving You and Mister Michael or anyone else You tell me to serve. He has to understand that when i'm there He no longer clears the table, that's my job. He no longer has to do the dishes, that's my job. He no longer has to cater to You in menial ways, that's my job. He will lose all of these tasks and gain a slave who is available to serve Him, but only if i'm not in the process of serving You. Every day i think of You, so every day there will be something written. A lot of things will be repeated many times, but they are constantly going through my head. i will try to remove Your fears and hesitations so that You will feel perfectly at ease, natural, and normal owning me. All i can say, and say again, is that i need to be Your slave, i won't say God, but if You believe, as i do, that there is some type of a Superior Power that governs us, and if that Being choses to make me a happy and satisfied person, It would have me be Your slave as i have often prayed to be. i love You, worship You, adore You, want You, need You, and revere You. Just me taking the time and effort to type this letter should prove to You how much You mean to me, and how far i'm willing to go to serve You.

Today i will call Mister Michael later oh in the evening. If You should answer the phone, i will find out if You're going to be home. If You are, i will not see Mister Michael this week, but i will try again next week. As i said earlier, i have to talk to Mister Michael alone, i'm quite sure that He will tell You that i was there, but even if He doesn't, i will, if You should call me when You read this letter. Before i ask You again (for what will probably be the last time,) i'm going to be sure that the decision is Yours to make with no complications or problems from anyone else. If i'm to serve You properly, Mistress Marlene, then each party should know and accept his place and position. You, as my Mistress and Owner, Mister Michael as my Master and Taskmaker, me as Your slave, servant, whipping boy and property, i'm doing this because i need to serve You and i want to serve You. i need You more than anything, so all my pride and ego and dislike in serving a male will most definitely be put aside.

Today is Thursday, i was there around 8:30. He assured me that He has no problem and has tried to encourage You to use me. Mistress Marlene, i believe Him. He said that You know that i need You and want to be Your slave, but that You will never have me as Your slave because You need to deny me that position; that i intimidate You and You feel that You cannot totally control and dominate me. That i wasn't there Thanksgiving Day, not because i couldn't be there, but because You felt You couldn't handle it. That i would not be there Christmas or New Year's eve and day because You feel that You can't handle it and that You would deny me the privilege and pleasure of being Your slave. Mistress Marlene, i know all Mister Michael's statements are true, and i know that i will probably never be granted the opportunity of being Your slave, that i am basically wasting my time, but i try because i love You and truly want to be Your slave. One question - How can You honestly feel that You "can't handle it" if You won't try? If You say that You have no desire for a slave, then i can understand why nothing happens.

But You have said to me numerous times that You do want a slave, and Mistress Marlene i believe You. If You would only take the chance and seriously use me as Your slave, i think You would find You are a natural Dominant and that You can handle it. You can always stop and return to Your present lifestyle. But, if You don't try, You would be denying Yourself something that You want and dream about. Please, and i'm begging You not just for myself, but also for You, take the chance at completing Your life. Mister Michael said that i have put You up on a pedestal, but You only exist like that in my mind; that You will never be there physically for me. Again, i know He speaks the truth, but when people worship someone as i do you, the feelings are always more mental than physical. Please let me serve You so that my reverence for You can be a reality both mentally and physically.

Today is Friday and i still have not heard from You. That is exactly what i expected. There is so much that i want to give You, so much that i want to do for You that it just seems to me such a waste that all these things are not put to any use. i didn't want to buy a new car because i felt that if i could give You more money then that's where my money should go. my happiness would be in pleasing You and in doing things for You.

All i've ever asked in return is that You use me: That You beat me unmercifully so that even though i might feel good serving You, i Your slave, will see to it that You get it. As i have said many times, i think that You are the most beautiful woman in the world, but those feelings become deeper, and if possible, truer if i am serving You with tears in my eyes and pain throughout my body.

You once asked me questions as to why i didn't have an apartment and i told You some of the reasons why. i never told You the most important reason and that is that i'm looking for a Mistress; someone to physically and mentally own and control me. There is no need for me to have an apartment when i would be spendinga considerable amount of my time serving Her.

The money saved by my living at home would be turned over to my Mistress to use as She saw fit. These are things that You as a Mistress should expect, and these are things that i, as a slave, do so much want to give. That is how i need to live my life, serving You. Ever since i first met and serve You that Sunday, i have wanted and needed to belong to You. From moment one, i loved, worshipped and adored You and really wanted nothing more than to serve You as Your slave. If You stop and think about my conversations with You, You'll realize that i have consistantly and constantly asked to be Your slave. If i were given the choice at any time, my choice would be, without hesitation, that of a Mistress/slave relationship. i just wish You would tell me to "get on my knees, kiss your feet, accept the pain and serve you," because that is where i belong, i know and believe and want this You know and believe this. Please, Mistress Marlene, i beg you to do it...make me Your slave.

Today is Sunday. It's been a week and no contact from You of any kind. i know that You will say You were going to call, but You were depressed and couldn't talk to me.

Mistress Marlene, i need some type of acknowledgement from You. If You really can't discuss this with me, "then please discuss this with some one, whether it be Mister Michael, Mistress Darlo, David or any of Your slaves you think might be helpful. Please discuss this with someone, but i really do need some type of an answer.

i have to either be Your slave or move on and continue my search, i won't pressure You to talk to me. i will give you time to read, re-read, and discuss this with whomever You wish. If You want to talk to me about it, You know i will be more than happy and willing to discuss it with You any time or place, i need You so much that i have to know if it is possible for me to be Your slave. You've known me for a long time so You know being a slave is something i need and have to do. i prefer to be Your slave, but if not Yours than some other Mistress will have to do. Eventually, if You do not give me an answer, i will call You and ask You simply for a yes or no answer. If it is no, i will understand and accept it as final with no discussions, letters, pressure or any actions from me that you might interpret as trying to change or influence Your decision. If Your decision is no, there will be no hard feelings (i won't feel good) and as far as i'm concerned, You will still be my friend and the most important friend i have. i hope that You will feel that way about me too.

If Your answer is yes, than You will have made me the happiest person and slave in the world, i would look forward to serving You, Mister Michael and anyone else You desire, i would look forward to giving You any and all of my time, possessions, love, service, honor, money and whatever else You would want. You would become my absolute reason for living and being, i want to spend Christmas Day and New Year's eve and day serving You. Not necessarily in Your direct presence, but there so that if and when You want me i'm there. Those are days that people celebrate and party with friends and family. For me, You are my sole reason for being and the only person that has any claim to me. i would rather be there ready to serve Your needs than anywhere else. Mistress Marlene, You are my life and i beg You to please allow me to live it. i would love and need to do even the simple things like assisting You in the shower by washing Your back and drying You when You're done. By dressing You, undressing You, and making sure that all Your needs are attended to. Mistress Marlene, if You have even the slightest desire to have me as Your slave, than i beg You to give me a chance to not only prove my sincerity and value as a slave, but also to make Your life complete as a Mistress. I love You, want You, and need You. Yes, it is extremely important to me to be Your slave, but Mistress Marlene, You must at least want me for it to happen. Again, if You don't, i will understand and it will not be a problem for me to accept or live with. i will tell You that i would have-to continue my search for a Mistress. You are and You have always been perfect for me.

i still have Your list of instructions that You left for me to do the last time i was there as Your slave, i felt so proud, so elated i that You referred to me as Your slave and to quote, "Go into your room and stay there." i felt that i really belonged to You and that you wanted me there as Your slave, i loved the whole situation. Mistress Marlene, as You can tell, i don't type, so my typing this letter should tell You how much You mean to me. i wanted to makesure that You could read everything. Writing this is very time consuming and in some ways very frustrating. It is frustrating because i'm afraid that You might say no and not use me as Your slave. But, i also feel good because i'm reaffirming to myself just how much i really, truly and honestly want to be Your slave. For me to spend the time, put this much effort, type this many words, knowing full well that i have nothing to say about Your decision, that to me is what slavery is all about. Doing things for my Mistress in spite of whether i personally am satisfied. Please give Your decision a lot of thought.

You have dealt with me as Your slave on many occasions, and You have enjoyed it and felt very comfortable and natural being my Mistress. If You were just to have me get on my knees, You would find the rest comes to You naturally. You are a born Mistress, just as l am a born slave, that part of the personality if You want to, but You will always feel as if You have been cheated of your birthright. You know that You were born to dominate, rule and totally control slaves and that You should own a slave, we would deny this no more than we would be denied our Proper birthright positions, i don't want to, and i'm asking You not to deny Yourself or Your birthright Should you wish to contact Mistress Marlene you may write:

Mistress Marlene Miller
PA 19115

--Compiled by Mistress Michelle & slave english

The Lifestyle of a live-in female slave

by patty the pooch, Femina Society

Please take note: Mistress Charlene Deering passed away December 7th, 2004. Lets us keep her memory alive by remembering these stories.

Recently my Domina had spoken to Mistress Diamond on the phone and She had requested that i prepare this article for Her magazine, i am indeed quite honored to be chosen to do this task for Mistress Diamond.

Please allow me to introduce myself, i am slave pooch, a handmaiden, property of Ms. C. i have been actively into the "scene" for fourteen years, i have served as Ms. C's personal live-in servant for a little over five years.

During my years in servitude to other Dominas and to Ms. C., i have been asked this question many times, "What is it !ike to be a live-in slave"? First, let me explain that in every Domina's household there are rules and instructions that must be obeyed.

Some of these rules may be different in each Domina's Domain.

As Ms. C.'s handmaiden, i have many duties and responsibilities. Of course i have my chores to do such as the cleaning and care of Ms. C's home. i am responsible for completing all chores such as laundry, dishes, the care of the cats and dog, going on errands by foot or by using public transportation, i also answer the telephone when instructed, take care of my Domina's leather clothing, lingerie, high heels, etc.

Sometimes Ms. C. allows me to accompany Her on errands, shoDDina, etc. i am to be respectful at all times, in public as well as private, i wear my locked-on choker chain around my neck at all times, my left and right vagina lips are pierced with a small gold ring through each lip. i have several tattoos on my body that are ail "scene" related. But the most recent ones are those that were tattooed upon my flesh in reference to my servitude to Ms. C. These are my proud permanent marks of ownership.

On my Sower left arm, i wear proudly my Owner's "logo". This was my first tattoo from Her. Also across the top part of my left breast i bear the tattoo that reads, "Property of Ms. C.". In the middle of the writing there is a black and red Dagger knife. This signifies an Ownership carving. Upon my right upper thigh i have a tattoo that is a beautiful drawing of a heart with a padlock going through it. There are flowers and leaves surrounding it and three banners. Inside the banners it reads, "Ms. C., pooch, and Owned". On my lower right arm i have a pair of red boots with a black braided cat 'o' nine tails whip leaning against them. The initials C D are tattooed next to the boots, pertaining to my Domina's name.

my most recent tattoo from my Owner is on my upper left thigh. It is an excellent tattoo of a Domina with long hair flowing across Her back. She is attired in a leather corset that laces up the back, long lace gloves, and leather thigh high boots. In one hand She is holding a whip and in the other She is holding the leash that is attached to the slave girl's collar. Yes, there is a nude slave girl kneeling at the Domina's feet. This tattoo has excellent shading and my Owner is quite pleased with it. She plans to have me branded in the future on my left thigh.

i have several daily things i must remember in serving my Goddess such as always kneeling to serve Her coffee in the morning or beverages during the day. i must always have permission to leave the apartment for any reason. When Ms. C. and i are preparing to eat, i must always ask permission to begin eating, in private or public. This particular rule was somewhat new to me to carry out at all times. But now it is a daily part of my life. my Domina loves to cook so She usually cooks for us. However i am responsible for breakfast and of course the cleanup of the dishes, etc.

During "playtime" if Ms. C. grants me permission to have an orgasm i must always ask permission first, i must always experience pain along with pleasure at the hands of my Goddess, i have learned to wait for any type of attention from Her. In the past i was much too concerned with my own masochistic needs to learn to wait for my Domina's attention. During these years of servitude to Ms. C. i have learned to have patience and Ms. C. will take time to train me or "play" with me. There is a difference between "playtime" and serius training. If Ms. C. wishes to play with me, She does things to my body we both enjoy. However, during serious training Mistress teaches me things such as how to behave during "explicit permission". For those of you that are not familiar with the term "explicit permission", Ms. C. orders me to remain in a position of Her choice for a certain length of time.

During this time Ms. C. proceeds to test my obedience by trying Her best to get me to break position. She uses techniques such as threatening to punish me if i do not turn and break position to look at Her. She may strike my buttocks with a severe implement or slap me hard across the face to get me to move.

i have held the position as long as instructed but during my first training in this area i had moved once because i feared punishment and did not understand that my punishment would be more severe if i broke position. Needless to say i learned quickly not to displease my Owner.

my Domina trains me in various ways such as "dog and kennel training", the twelve slave positions, discipline training with implements of Ms. C.'s choice, i have been awakened in the middle of the night or early morning, drug by the hair into my Owners training room, leather restraints placed on my wrists, my wrists are then attached to the bondage rack or from a large steel ring. As i am hanging there nude i am only half awake wondering what i had done to be awakened so abruptly and placed in such a position, my Goddess, dressed in Her long lace black nylon nightgown chooses a discipline implement of Her choice, such as one of Her leather whips, a long thin buggy whip, a wooden paddle, or a riding crop, and begins to use it on me.

i am disciplined as Ms. C. questions me, "What two things must you remember"! i cry out, "Obedience and Respect"! She continues to question me. "What are you"! i answer with sincerity, "A slave Ms. C.". "Whose slave"? "Your slave Ms. C.". my Domina seems pleased with my answers, i sigh in relief when Ms. C. releases me from my bonds and orders me to get my ass back in bed.

i am going to take this time to explain to those of you who may not understand the difference between "playtime activities" and real punishment for disobedience and misbehavior, i know from experience of helping other Dominas or my Owner with Their mail They receive from submissives or from speaking with other submissives, most do not know the difference. Discipline or some other form of play is meant for the, pleasure of the Domina and sometimes the slave may receive some pleasure also.

Punishment should be administered in a way that is cold, cruel, and meant to teach the slave a lesson. In other words it should not be any type of a turn-on for the submissive, i have to laugh when a slave writes and begs to be punished for something he is confessing he has done. If he is sincere and really knows the difference between getting his selfish fantasies fulfilled and true punishment, then i understand his fear and embarrassment knowing that he has displeased his Owner. However, when she or he feels they will manipulate the Domina into fulfilling their masochistic needs by pleading to be punished, they are acting Dominant, not submissive. When Ms. C. punishes me because i have displeased Her in some way, She is very cold and cruel in the way She handles me.

She may punish me with severe implements such as a razor sharp buggy whip ail over my naked body or She may use Her black rubber whip with six or ten tails.

i am placed in tight strict bondage when punished. She may drag me into the bathroom and order me on my knees in front of the tub. i am told to lean over the tub and place my hands on the cold porcelain bottom of the tub. She then prepares a hot peppermint soap suds enema and forces the hard plastic enema nozzle with large holes deep inside my rectum. It hurts going in and i cry out. She opens the clasp on the enema tube releasing the hot soapy liquid deep inside me. Ms. C. leaves only to return with a very large wooden paddle with holes or Her large hard p;plastic paddle with large holes. Ms. C. pulls out the enema nozzle once the bag is empty and begins to paddle my bare ass with this severe punishment paddle, i must hold the enema while i am being paddled, this is all part of the punishment.

When Ms. C. allows me to go to the toilet to release my bowels i am so relieved. She orders me to assume the same position in front of the tub to receive my second and then third enema. The last one is a clear water one.

Ms. C. dresses in Her Disciplinarian clothing when She has to punish me. This outfit is a long black nylon nightgown with lace, and a pink short nightie that fits over the black one. She wears a black mask over Her eyes and She even wears a certain perfume.

i fear Ms. C. with every inch of my submissiveness.

Ms. C. may place me in very tight strict bondage for punishment.

She may place a leather pump gag in my mouth that has a leather strap that can be fitted tightly across the top of my head. She can pump the gag up that is fitted into my mouth, i fear this gag and i am never turned on when i am being punished by Ms. C. There is a specific punishment i receive if i leave the apartment without permission or go somewhere that i am not permitted. Ms. C. places me in strict bondage and uses a white thin rod across the bottoms of my feet. Needless to say, She has only had to demonstrate this punishment to me once.

my Domina has trained me in many different areas of submission from the very beginning of my servitude. Most of my Dominas in the past did not have the time or patience to train me in all these areas. Then there were some who only looked at me as a masochist to string up and beat. This only made me crave the whip, paddle, crop, etc. more and more.

Some said i was insatiable, i was going from one Domina to the next searching for a Sadist who would take me in as Her permanent live-in slave. But it never worked out for a long period of time either due to my masochistic needs or there were other problems within the household. i knew down deep inside that i needed to be trained properly and taught the true meaning of submission. It is very hard for a masochist to break away from that selfish need to be disciplined and tortured, especially when you belong to a Domina who feels that is the only way They can make you behave.

My Owner loves to discipline and torture me but when She has the desire to, not when i want Her to. i have been taken into areas of private and public humiliation and the baby scene where noother Domina has done.

There is so much more to being a true live-in slave then just playing.

In the past i was often questioned by other submissives, male and female about what it was like to be a Domina's live-in slave, they imagined me being chained up in the dungeon and whipped and played with all day. This is because their mind does not go beyond their fantasies. In reality, this is very far from the truth. If this was true, who would clean the Domina's home, run errands for Her, do Her laundry, wash Her dishes, answer Her phone, take care of Her personal needs, etc. etc.

During the many years in the scene, i have learned that most submissives only think of their own selfish needs and do not allow themselves to be truly Dominated, i was like this in my past but i have changed a lot since i have matured and have become Ms. C.'s live-in. A live-in position is not for everyone. Some can only submit for an hour or two, a week-end or week. This is either because of their life or because they do not have what it takes to serve on a full time basis. Those chosen few who are fortunate to live as a full time servant to a Powerful Domina should try their best to please their Owner at all times. Always remember, any slave can be replaced. Be proud of your position. Wear your marks of Ownership with pride.

i am truly a lucky slave to have been chosen as Ms. C.'s personal live-in servant. She is a very caring, intelligent Lady who has captivated my mind, body, heart, and soul. When She touches me with Her hands or caresses me with Her many implements of torture i feel Her love and control over me and i am swept away with submissive emotions.

After about the third month of servitude to Ms. C., She prepared a written slave contract for me to read and then sign. This contract consists of all that is expected of me, my rewards for good behavior as well as punishments i would receive for disobedience and disrespect. There are all my duties listed and signs of Ownership i must agree to wearing and having done to me such as a locked-on collar, tattoos, piercings, brandings, and the use of dildos in my pussy and ass as acts of Ownership. Also i must submit to being fisted in my vagina from time to time as another form of Ownership.

i would like to comment on the statement that Mistress Diamond's live-in slave made in the column titled, "the bottom line", i sincerely understand how he feels about learning that the Dominant needs and deserves to have interactions with a variety of people for Her Own enjoyment and fulfillment. This was a very hard thing for me to learn and deal with during my servitude. When a slave loves and adores their Owner, they tend to become possessive. When one is a live-in, it is quite difficult at times to accept your Domina playing with other submissives, male and female, and sometimes this jealousy will only end up in your dismissal.

My Domina has trained slaves in the past with me included in the session, i felt somewhat relieved but i still felt the sense of insecurity, my Owner no longer sees slaves for hourly sessions because they did not fulfill Her need to be totally Dominant. She now trains submissives through the mail. i guess i am kind of lucky that i am not involved in that type of atmosphere anymore. But i was able to submit alongside a male slave with no problems as Ms. C.'s live-in. In the past i was hardly ever able to handle being dominated with another slave. This only caused problems for myself and later, dismissal.

Live-in slavery is not for everyone, but if a submissive has the chance to apply for a live-in position and is accepted, he/she should feel very honored. But for those who cannot and will not put your selfish needs last and the Domina's first, you will never be chosen for a live-in position to a true Domina.

Now before i end this article i would like to share with the readers some of the"fun" things Ms. C. loves doing to me when She is in i the mood to amuse Herself, Ms. C. loves to humiliate me in private and public. Sometimes when we are out on errands together, we may go shopping in a department store. Ms. C. loves to lead me to the pet department to try different color dog collars on me, placing them around my neck to model for Her. i can feel my face redden with embarrassment as my Owner tries each collar on me. Finally when She is pleased with my submission, She will remove the last collar from my neck and we will resume our shopping. Ms. C. sometimes takes me out to a restaurant with Her to eat. i have learned long ago that slaves must have proper table manners when they are invited out with their Domina to eat. i, of course must always ask permission if i may eat. If Ms. C. is in the mood, She may feed me a little food from Her fork after She is finished eating what She pleases.

Or She may feed me my own food from my plate, i always feel everyone's eyes are on us at that moment and my face reddens with embarrassment. But all slaves must realize it is an honor to be fed from your Domina's plate.

Ms. C. and i were out eating at a fine restaurant. We walked outside to the parking lot where She proceeded to make me kiss the side of the cement building of the restaurant, i obeyed, but i felt so foolish kissing that wall and thanking it for allowing me to eat inside. Ms. C. still laughs about that performance She put me through.

During playtime at home, my Owner loves to do many things to Her slut slave.

She enjoys binding me to the bed or bondage rack and disciplining me with several of Her implements. Ms. C. loves to dish out as much as i love to receive and more, but only when She is inflicting the different types of clamps until She has 3 or to my nipples at the same time , this produces very intense pain. Ms. C found out that i can take much more punishment if i am permitted to use my vibrator at the same time.

It depends on Her mood whether or not i am permitted any sexual stimulation.

A pleasure almost every Domina in the world adores is having Their feet worshipped & massaged. Worship is a part of a slave's existence.

This will relax the Domina and put Her in a better mood. The foot is the most sensitive part of the body and will begin to relax the other parts of Her body.

My last bit of advice in this article is to the male submissives out there who wish to serve a true Domina, you must forget about your needs and try your best to please the Domina. She will take your fantasies and limits into consideration but She will do as She pleases. Stop trying to impress Her with the size of your penis or the amount of pain you can take.

Most true Dominas are impressed with true submission and the willingness and ability to serve. Well, i will end this here, and i am looking forward to writing for Mistress Diamond's publication in the future. Thank you so much Mistress Diamond for allowing this worthless slut slave to write something out for Your fine and brilliant magazine.

Destiny's Virgin Slut

by slave patty ( the pooch )

Mistress Destiny had a virgin slut stave and knew that she had a rarityâ_"but then, what good 1s a virgin slave? Thus it was. Mistress Destiny, resplendent in her newly acquired lace body suit led the TV slut slave rachet into the front room. This was to be the day that her virgin slave was to be de-flowered in the presence of her sister slave pattie and the video cameras. Because of the filming, Mistress Destiny knew that there would be little time for idle chit chat; rather it would be a slowed down version of "Wham, bam, thank you Ma`am."

The camera filmed the Mistress as she entered the room followed by her two slaves at the end of the chain leashes. Both slaves had been enticingty in garter belts and stockings, slave pattie in black and red, the virgin slave rachet in white with powder blue trim. Both were topless and bottomless and the seethrough cover ups merely enhanced the female image. The camera taped the white clad virgin slave against the dark maroon of the couch but paused often to tape the voluptous Mistress as she carefully arranged her stave for the best effect. With her legs demurely closed, the camera moved in, to tape the total femi ne parts of the TV stave as the Mistress slowly removed the cover up.

The Mistress could see the small patch of neatly trimmed hair and ran her scarlet tipped fingers over the area for effect. The immaculately painted fingernails over the had long ago become a well known trade mark of Mistress Destiny. A full shot of both the slave and Mistress revealed the vast differences which existed between the two, but also showed the ecstatic response of the slave to the ministrations of the Mistress.The body of the slave undulated in response to the stroking and the slave raised her arms high over her head to reveal the completely hair free body. The virgin slave was still in the throes of her ecstatic response when the slave pattie literally pulled her sister off the couch and on the floor. The slave rachet could only gaze up literally froze, for now she could see the foot hanging between the legs of her Mistress. Although not particularly large nor hostile looking, stave rachet knew that even the smallest of foot could obtain unforseeabte results. It was evident that the foot was freshly placed and dry and stave rachet knew exactly what was expected of her. As she rose up on her knees, she felt the tip of the foot being placed between her lips. It was merely a sharp nudge that opened her mouth so that the entire tip was clasped between her lips. stave rachet salivated on the foot as ordered & felt the foot being slid farther down her throat. She could feel the Mistress manipulating the strokes and almost choked as she strived to wet the toes.

With the preliminaries out of the way, the virgin stave found herself doubled over the arm of the couch - her feet on the floor while her arms were being putted high over her head by her sister slave. slave rachet with her arms overhead and head down could feel her ass cheeks being opened up for the intiat inspection and targetting. She felt the slipperiness of the lubricant being applied in between her crack and more being shoved into the target. The foot glistened in the bright tights for the salvation of the virgin slave as the Mistress kneaded the round ass cheeks and waited for the slave to relax.

But wasting no time Mistress Destiny placed the toot at the opening and wiggled her hips enticingty to properly place the foot at the opening. Mistress could feet the opening close up but knew that it was time to de-flower the virgin slave.

The first firm push caused the slave to cry out - the virgin slave cried out for almost anything anyhow and needed to be subjected to more pain tolerance sessions.

stave pattie gripped the arms tighter as the slave began to protest the forced entry. Mistress Destiny could feet the foot making progress in slow spurts, a half inch at a time. And each half inch caused the slave to emit that howl of protest and an added flailing of the arms - at least it was an effective shot for the cameras, slave rachet knew better than to even think of kicking her feet for fear of striking the Mistress. With the head of the foot already started into the hole, the Mistress pushed a tittle bit harder and felt the foot slide in another inch. Then she started that relentless push pull motion which began to show results as the foot continued to disappear into the hole. slave rachet screamed out with each push and performed well but by now, her screams were not quite as loud nor her thrashing as vigorous. In fact, the screams were coming in rhythm to the stroking and Mistress Destiny knew that she was almost there.

slave pattie could feet the arms relaxing a bit now and watched her Mistress medthodically push the foot into the hole. As slave pattie watched, it was as if the Mistress knew when and how much, for it was that fast lunge that placed the crotch of the Mistress flush against the ass cheeks of the slave. The foot had been seated.

The Mistress could now feel the slave responding to the toot and as she pushed, she could feet the counter push. stave pattie had long released the arms and the throes of ecstacy could be seen in the movements of the slave. The pumping and pushing had now become a mutual effort and a theatrical production.

slave rachet relaxed and finally understood that she should enjoy the inevitable. She felt a couple of gentle pats on her ass cheeks which indicated to her that it was about over.


Douglas asked me what ever happened to mistress destiny and slave pooch
Good question! After Mistress Charlene passed away the pooch went on to serve Mistress Barbara of New York. The pooch still post in various groups and is somewhat active at Fet Life. Mistress Destiny and Sir Michael split up and last I heard is a Vice President of a Fastner Company. MM

slave vanessa


On 11-02-06 Donna Feld passed away. In the B&D circles in Detroit she was know as slave vanessa, little donna and was instrumental in the development of Hell Fire West , a local B&D club and at the time one of the best in the nation. I met her at Hell Fire and became friends with her. There are many , many stories I could tell you about her, we had a lot of fun together. She would come over to my house in Detroit and have many pleasurable memories about her. My sympathies and condolences go out to her family , we will miss her.

-- Mistress Michelle

Hell Fire West was opened by Sir Michael of Detroit in the early 80's,it was located at 7536 East 7 Mile Rd., Detroit, Michigan. It is now closed and was open for only a few years. Many Master's , Mistress's and slaves walked through those doors. Mistress Pleasure, Mistress Destiny, Mistress Shalimar, Mistress Michelle , Lord Michael, slave Vanessa, crazy joe, pooch and many more. Corporal would hold its parties there, Noir Leather got its start there. For the those who walked on its stage and for those who remember Hell Fire!!

Letters to slave vanessa

Corporal Newspaper
Vol. 7, No. 12, June 4, 1984

Dear Vanessa,

I'm a female who lives on the West Coast where there are a few B&D clubs. I'd like to join one but I can't afford the membership fees. I have two kids and I'm divorced. I work as a nurse for a large hospital, not a big salary with that job, just lots of benefits. I've never inquired about rates, I just assumed it was expensive. Afterall, there are so few places like that, they can charge a lot because people will pay it.

Do you think I would get laughed out the door if I offered my services in exchange for a membership? I'm a very good submissive.

Thank you,

Dear R.B.,

No, they won't laugh. Female slaves are always needed at the clubs, especially pretty ones. The rates for women are usually lower anyway, but if you still find it beyond your means, try offering your services to the management. You will have to be consistent in your attendance, though. You may be used for scenes, put to work serving drinks, general cleanups, putting away and caring for equipment, etc. Another alternative is to find someone to join with you, thereby splitting the cost of a couple's membership.

When I first came to the Hellfire Club for consideration, I was admitted free, in exchange for serving and doing shows. I was on probation, being considered for full-time slavery, which came about very quickly for me.Now, of course, as a live-in slave to the owner, Sir Michael, I am on the staff, being as much his asset as the club itself. Your story could possibly have an ending as happy as my own.

Good Luck,
slave vanessa

Dear Vanessa,

As a woman, I have always felt that I should serve men. I don't feel any lower than them, nor am I sexist. I just see the obvious, women are made for some purposes while men are made for some others, and since men serve women in some ways, women should reciprocate with their abilities. I recently met what I thought was a very Dominant man, until we were into a heavy lovemaking session. Once in my apartment, he undressed me, gave me orders (go into the bedroom, lay on the bed, spread your legs, etc.) He made rough love to me and I loved it. Then, he asked me to take my revenge for the awful way he had treated me. I couldn't believe it!

I simply told him that I had no feelings of vengence, that I had enjoyed what we did. He told me that he goes "both ways." I really had trouble understanding this. I have never read anything about people who can ' be both Dominant and submissive. I think you are what you are.

Should I have done what he wanted? I guess I could have, but it sure seemed weird.


Dear Baffled,

I have met people who tell me they go "both ways." I suppose to a point, everyone does, but I think everyone has a definite preference. A Dominant may, in private, submit to one who is stronger than himself, and a submissive may crave dominating one who is weaker, although they may have to obtain permission to carry out this fantasy.

I don't think you should have done anything you were not comfortable with, but if it doesn't bother you, consider that people can have different fantasies. No one must limit himself to one. If you care for someone, even just a little, you might want to help him live out his fantasies as he is part of yours.

slave vanessa

Dear Vanessa,

I was at your birthday party at Hellfire. I hope you had a very good one, it looked like you were having fun. I I didn't think, however, that you used your gift of being a Mistress, very much. I thought you would really take your revenge that night. Actually, I was looking forward to seeing you whip some slaves. How come you didn't?

You didn't get. a birthday spanking, either. Is that because you were a Mistress? I hope, next year, if you are Mistress again, that you will reaily put some slaves through the ringer.

P.S. How old are you now?

Dear Anxious,

I'm afraid I'm not a very good Mistress. I'm too nice!

Mistress Desire gave me her slave, jerry, for the night, but since he served me so well, I really couldn't hurt him. Even if any slave did give me reason to whip him, I still don't have it in me. You can put the slave into leather, but you can't make her be mean, unless you order her to be. Yes, it was because I was a Mistress that I didn't get a spanking. I get spankings all year. On your birthday, you're supposed to do something different.

I did, however, learn why Mistresses are so mean, it's those damn, uncomfortable clothes they wear.

This was my twenty-first birthday. I look forward to many more with Sir Michael and Mistress Destiny.

Wish you well,
slave vanessa

Dear Vanessa,

A friend and i have had disagreements about he proper way for slaves to sit, stand, kneel and even speak. I believe that when we serve directly before a Mistress, we should kneel with our heads en the floor, until she wants us for something. If- the Mistress is not before me, then I should kneel on all fours but with my head down, so I'm not caught looking at anything. My friend thinks I'm being over zealous. He sits by his Mistress. She doesn't punish him for it, but I think she would like it better if he took a better position.

What are your positions for serving, or when you're left alone?

slave kevin

Dear Kevin,

The slave positions are somewhat universal but they depend on what the Dominant wants, also on what the slave's duties are. For instance, at Hellfire, I am always on the move, working, so if I stop to ask something of my Mistress and she expects me to toe quick about my work, I just stop and excuse myself, ask my question, and go about my work. When, however, I am kneeling, it is in an upright position, with my back straight and my head up and my knees apart. With my head on the floor, I cannot be quick to serve and my owners do not care to tell me everytime they need something. When I am left somewhere alone, I am allowed to sit unless told to "stay." Your position may look good, but unless you are told to be that way, you are being very hard on your back. What if your Mistress doesn't return for two hours?

At home, while watching T.V., my place is on the floor, near my Master, who is lying on the couch. I am, however, allowed to lay down, though.

In a scene, it is on hands and knees with head on the floor at the Dominant's feet.

Presently sitting,,
slave vanessa

Van, You Bitch! How could you betray me?'. I asked you for help and advice and all I got was betrayal. You are not a true sister in submission. I don't know if you remember me, I'm slave s. I wrote to you because I was having a hard time with my Master and Mistress and didn't know what to do about it. All I got from you was predictable jive answers. Let me remind you what my problems are, because I'm sure you don't remember me. (You probably forgot about me right away.) My Mistress and Master are not responsive to what my needs are, even though I love them so much and try to please them in every way. All you said was, don't be selfish and think about yourself so much. You basically told me to do all the things I wanted my Mistress and Master to do. But worst of all, you told your Mistress and Master what desperate action I was going to take if things didn't improve. Now are you starting to remember me? Thanks to you and your big mouth, I have been expelled from my Master's and Mistress' home. When I wrote "For your eyes only" that's exactly what I meant. I didn't expect you to go blabbing to you Master and Mistress. What happened to loyalty among slaves? I wasn't really going to do those thing I was just angry and hurt. I got two weeks of beatings, no food or sleep and I was kicked out of the house. Thanks a lot for nothing!

Former slave s.

Dear Slave S.

You have a problem, it's true, but not the insensitivity of your owners. You jump to conclusions without getting all the facts. I certainly do remember you. Your problem was as common as horse-shit in the country.

Every slave complains that he does get what he doesn't want, and doesn't get what he does want,'and some other slaves' get everything good.

I did not tell you to stop being selfish. I told you that when dealing with Dominants, you are in a no-win situation, so you have to have some tact and cleverness or you will never be heard. As far as my. Master telling your owners about your threats, that's your own fault for being so rash. My Master reads all of my mail before I do; even my personal mail.

You were not in a good attitude to be writing things that you might be and obviously are, sorry for later. You should never put in writing anything that you aren't willing to say outloud. If things were so bad at home, maybe you are better off away from all that misery. You weren't happy, so what are you complaining about?

slave vanessa

Dear Vanessa,

I am a truly submissive girl. I'm 25 years old, 5'11", 185 Ibs. with short blonde hair and brown eyes. I have a master 18 years old, 5'12", 160 Ibs. with black hair and blue yes. I love him very much and of course I obey him always. My problem is that my master has the habit of punishing me, not only when I'm doing something bad, but even if I obey him. He ties me up for a whipping, four times a day, whipping my ass and my legs so hard you wouldn't believe it. Can you advise me as to how to avoid so much whipping, or, how it can be reduced?

Thank you,
slave H.

Dear Slave H.

I did not print your name in case your Master sees this issue, then he will not be angry and whip you more.

I'm sure that rather than punishing you, he is whipping you because he enjoys it. If that is the case, I doubt if anything you haven't already tried is going to change him. If the beatings are too much for you to handle, and his knowing this makes no difference, then it is time to find a new Master. All the love you have for him should be enough for him to see that it is too much for you. It may hurt to leave, but it is a matter of priorities. Does it hurt more to be whipped, or to leave?

slave vanessa

Letters to slave vanessa
From Corporal Newspaper - Vol. 10, No. 7, May 1st, 1984
Photo of the late slave vanessa

On 11-02-06 Donna Feld passed away. In the B&D circles in Detroit she was know as slave vanessa, little donna and was instrumental in the development of Hell Fire West , a local B&D club and at the time one of the best in the nation. I met her at Hell Fire and became friends with her. There are many , many stories I could tell you about her, we had a lot of fun together. She would come over to my house in Detroit and have many pleasurable memories about her. My sympathies and condolences go out to her family , we will miss her. Mistress Michelle

Hell Fire West was opened by Sir Michael of Detroit in the early 80's,it was located at 7536 East 7 Mile Rd., Detroit , Michigan. It is now closed and was open for only a few years. Many Master's , Mistress's and slaves walked through those doors. Mistress Pleasure, Mistress Destiny, Mistress Shalimar, Mistress Michelle , Lord Michael, slave Vanessa, crazy joe, pooch and many more. Corporal would hold its parties there, Noir Leather got its start there. For the those who walked on its stage and for those who remember Hell Fire!!

Dear Vanessa,

My Mistress and lovely wife, Alice, is an excellent Dominatrix. She is beautiful, authoritative, and just. She has all of the qualities of a most perfect woman and I love her as I love life. I want to make her the happiest woman alive.

She has a fantasy that she wants to try with me. When I come home from work, she commands me to aid her in preparing dinner. I am to refuse, saying that it is a woman's job and 1 have worked hard all day. (I failed to explain that in the fantasy, we are not scene people. I am too much a chauvinist).

An argument arises out of my demands for my dinner NOW; I tell her that I won't hear anymore about it. I'm taking a short nap on the couch and I expect to wake to a fresh martini and dinner on the table.

When I awake from my nap, I am bound and gagged and wearing my martini. She drags me by my hair to the bedroom where, earlier that day, she had prepared a dungeon. She had been gathering eqipment for several weeks..,, since my chauvinistic behavior has been going on for some time now. By this day, she has collected quite an array of whips, paddles, shackles and the like. She removes the ropes which held my arms tightly behind my back and puts shackles on my wrists, which she attaches to chains hanging on the wall. She ties the ropes around my balls very tightly. My cock bulges out so she whips it. She spend the evening turning the tables by spanking my ass, whipping my body, and forcing me to service her with my mouth all night long. The problem is that I don't know if I can play the role of the dominant . I am so submissive to Alice that I would tremble, trying to act so horribly to her.

Have you ever had a problem like this? ( I read that you are sometimes dominant.) Is it hard to play that role? I think it would be.

Please help!


Dear Dennis,

What you read is not that I am occasionally dominant. This is another type of scene lifestyle; one in which the female switches roles. What does occasionally happen is that I am allowed to dominate male slaves.

Role playing is just that, playing a role.

You are not being slave Dennis, the submissive male, you are being Dennis, the breadwinner, head of the household. He is different person. ACT! Pretend you are making a movie. Try being him when you are alone. Try getting angry and cussing.

Explain to your Mistress that you will do your best, but you may have some trouble at first. Remember, she will be playing a role too.

It may be just as hard for her but, she probably knows that it is good for one to try the other side, occasionally, just to see what it is like.

You may find yourself learning that being dominant is not so free and easy, afterall.

Your sister in slavery,
slave vanessa

Dear Slave Vanessa,

Teli me your Master's opinion of this situation.

I am at Hellfire in New York and have my slave accompanying me. I introduce her to another Dominant, who also has her slave present. The other Dominant has taken it upon herself to order my slave to stand for inspection. Out of etiquette, I remain cool about the situation but. excuse myself and my slave, keeping a close eye on her (my slave).

I don't like people touching or commanding my slave, uninvited. I feel it is bad manners. What does Sir Michael think?

- Master William
P.S. I'd like to know what other Dominants think about it, also. I've been asking around.
P.S.S. When another Dominant does try to touch the slave, should the slave object?

Dear Master William,

I feel that Dominants should respect each other's property by not touching it without an invitation from the owner. Inspection just by looking and then commenting is one thing, but commanding the slave of another is rude and it is not. approved of by the property owner. Some dominants get their kicks by testing other's slaves for loyalty and obedience. I consider it bad protocol.

If my slave rs at my side and being touched or commanded by another Dominant she will look inquisitively to me for my approval. I'will take it from there. If she is unattended, she has been ordered to respectfully inform the Dominant that allowing him or her to touch her will result in her punishment. She will always respect another Dominant but always second to me.

Your Brother in Dominance,
Sir Michael

Dear Vanessa,

I have heard the term "Task Mistress" or "Task Master" also Mistress or Master "in training." What is the class of these Dominants? Are they equal to a Master or Mistress? What do they do? How does one become a "Task Mistress"?

Also, are slaves ever bought, sold, or traded? Is it legal?


Dear Curious,

A Task Mistress or Master has status over slaves, but under all Dominants. This rank usually comes about when the head of the household needs someone to oversee His/Her stable. They will usually choose to promote one of their slaves, either the one with seniority or the most worthy, but sometimes they will employ a young Dominant or some other person. The Task Dominant is responsible to the Master/Mistress for duties assigned which may be house/yard work, care of leathers and implements, entertaining guests, running errands, correspondence and sessions, or recruiting new slaves. This person usually tends to and manages tasks too menial for the busy Dominant.

A Dominant-in-training has the status of a Dominant, but is supervised by the trainer.

In some families, a Dominant-in-training may have the status of head slave; submission is part of training in some cultures. Slaves may be exchanged, or sold and, as long as the slave does not object, it is not unlawful, but it is not binding. In other words, a slave's status means nothing in the judicial system. He is a free citizen and is held responsible for himself and his own actions.

Proper protocol when obtaining a new slave, who is independent, is to check the slave's history. This means investigating the slave's past in the scene and contacting all previous owners. The slave may be a runaway and for you to take him in would give you a very bad name indeed. If the slave is no longer in service, he/she should have his papers proving his emancipation. If he does not, the new Dominant should contact the last owner for transfer papers.


Dear Vanessa,

How can I tell if videos or mail-order magazines and books are real S/M action? I have spent good money expecting a good video and received junk. Maybe these are turn ons for some people, but not for me. I can tell when action is simulated or when people are not really into the scene. I don't want to take the chance on wasting good money. Can you recommend some good videos and publications?


Dear Ken,

For advertising purposes, producers print clearly on the box that scenes shown are real. If the box doesn't state this, ask the person where you are buying the video, or if you can, review it in the store. Try not to stand around the store with a hard on, though. By mail, video ads should also tell you if they are real. Corporal Video has a whole line of movies and documentaries starring some of your favorite Dominants. These are worth a look. Regarding publications, books seldom have pictures - you buy them for the stories. Magazines are almost always "real stuff." If a pose doesn't look quite real, keep in mind that it's difficult to clearly photograph a whipping hand in motion. The photographer will usually ask the Mistress to give every fifth or sixth swing very slowly, so he can get the shot, then she may resume her normal, ass-reddening whipping-This letter is real.

slave vanessa

Dear Vanessa,

I'm a submissive male who has seen a few Mistresses in the past five years. I really love serving women as long as they aren't too hard on me. I guess it's not right in their eyes, to limit my servitude, but I'm terrified of extreme pain, also of anal sex.

Different people seem to have different ideas about the meaning of terminology used. Being able to take a lot of cock and ball torture, I used to think I was into "heavy B&D," until I served a Mistress who put needles into my tits and whipped my thighs with a crop 'till they were bloody. What is considered, by Mistresses as light, medium, and heavy?

Thank you,
slave alan

Dear Alan,

It is only a guess, but I think most Mistresses consider light to be spankings, candle waxings, mild nipple and genital torture, foot worship, etc. Medium would be what you have mentioned, and heavy, well, did you ever want to be a eunuch?

To give the Mistress an idea of what you've successfully endured, send her a slave resume. This, again, should include vital statistics (age, height, weight, build,

any piercings or markings), previous Mistresses served and what the sessions consisted of, service specialties, etc.

Remember that each new Mistress will probably further your training, which is to your benefit.

Your slave sister,

Here are a few more of the terms I promised. In my research, I have learned some new ones also. I'll continued passing them on to you novices.

slave vanessa

Cat-o-nine tails - One of the oldest whips used on people. Connected to a sturdy handle, usually of leather-covered wood, are nine strips of leather. Some are smooth, some are braided with knotted ends. Although I've never seen one, I've heard of some with lead balls or metal studs laced into the ends.

Cock clamps - a metal vice into which is inserted the cock and balls. Pressure is controlled by screwing (no pun intended) the handle.

English Eights - British irons originally used in Scotland Yard. My Master has a complete collection. German Eights are very similar.

Golden Shower - Piss going directly onto the slave or into the slave's mouth. Horse - sawhorse used for whipping, spanking, fucking, forced French, etc. Slave is chained onto it in a variety of positions.

Horsewhip - whip made of horsetail hair. Is more painful than you may think.


--Compiled by Mistress Michelle & slave english

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