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This article is titled
Legends of Dominance
by Mistress Michelle Peters et al.
and posted with permission
(All information herein is provided by author)

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Mistress ( Rubber ) Ruth

Ravings of a Rubber Mistress
by The Rubber Mistress
The Rubber Mistress aka Mistress Ruth

The idea of having a fetish is not as unimaginable as we think. We live in a society where advertising fosters obsessive desires for material objects on a daily basis. Why then do we need to analyze where a desire stems from when so many obvious explanations exist. As long as we enjoy our fetish and do so with others consensually. all we truly need to learn is how to safely act out our obsessive desires.

Rubber or latex is a fetishistic material that can be incorporated into any different types of scenes. Rubber can be either natural or synthetic. Both are similar in texture and smell. Either can be molded or seamed. Molded latex is a liquified rubber which is poured into a mold creating a particular item or garment.

Seamed items are made from sheets of rubber that have been cut and glued together thus creating the garment. Weights will vary in gauge from light to industrial depending upon its intended use. Most fashion garments tend to be of the lighter gauge and very form fitting. Second skin is a term coined to describe such garments.

The most obvious differences between rubber and leather: leather is breathable; rubber is not. Rubber has its own unique scent. When choosing between synthetic or natural rubber, molded or seamed light or industrial, decide upon the specific use. Then, the necessary weight will be obvious to you. Realize that latex tends to deteriorate faster than leather. Caring properly for your latex will slow the process. Remember latex/rubber is more delicate than leather. But if cared for properly, your latex will give you years of pleasure.

WEARING: Before wearing, remove all jewelry as it may catch and tear your rubber. Make sure that your body is completely dry. Smooth a small amount of powder on your skin and lightly dust the inside of the garment. Take your time getting into your garment. Ease the rubber onto your body being careful not to grab it with your fingernails.

CLEANING: Just follow a few simple steps to ensure that your latex garment stays in top condition. Wash by hand with warm water with a small drop of liquid soap. Clean inside and outside and rinse thoroughly in clean water. Hang up to dry away from direct sunlight. When completely dry, dust with a little powder (talc or cornstarch) and store in a cool, dry place. If sharing your latex with others, you may want to wash it in a mixture of hydro- gen peroxide and 70 rubbing alcohol. A 10 bleach solution with mine part ordinary household bleach to nine parts water will also work. These solutions have been show to kill the HIV virus on contact.

POLISHING: To bring out the deep glossy shine of the latex, first wipe off any excess powder on the outside with a soft lint free cloth. Using "Black Beauty" or "Amorall", spray a light film onto the cloth or directly on the latex and slowly polish the surface.

Various Types of Rubber Play

Remember communication is the most important factor of any scene. If you and your partner are new to each other make sure you have discussed a safe word/signal to slow the scene down if things are going a little fast. Consentuality is the most important key to any scene.


There are numerous female latex garments that can turn an unattractive male into a beautiful rubber slut/slave. A rubber bodysuit with molded female breast immediately enhances a flat chest. By adding a rubber corset you can decrease a waist 4-6 inches. Contouring the waist shapes the hips to give that hour glass figure.

By restraining your slave first, you can dress her in any type of garment you choose. Rubber stockings are non-transparent, thereby hiding any unsightly hair. A rubber hobble skirt will force her to take shorter steps giving her a more feminine walk. Non-transparent opera length length rubber gloves will transform masculine arms to beautiful silky, smooth feminine arms. Rubber garments can create an incredible transformation to both male and females. An added bonus is that latex is non-breathable and restrictive. Because of this, your slave girl will sweat and feel like she is in bondage while wearing these wonderful garments. She may even shed a few pounds in the process of serving you!


Depriving someone of any of their senses (touch, taste, hearing, sight, smell), greatly enhances their other senses. For example, restricting someones sight with a blindfold or hood will cause their hearing to become more acute. Along the same lines, restricting someones hearing will enhance their sensitivity to touch. By incorporating a hood, you can easily restrict vision, hearing and breathing very comfortably.

Caution should be used if incorporating a full rubber hood. If the only. openings in the hood are the nostril holes, be aware that the individual could rotate the hood, block the breathing breathing holes and suffocate. Gas masks offer much safer play. Removing the filter on the mask leaves sufficient opening for continuous air circulation.

Remember to continually check circulation and oxygen when someone is in full head to toe restriction. There are obvious reasons for checking. We do not want to cause someone permanent harm. As long as you allow circulation to all the limbs and sufficient oxygen, your slave will last longer in any position.


Cocooning incorporates deprivation and severe bondage. Start with a pair of form fitting briefs, then a latex tank top. Next, add a pair of moulded rubber stockings and a long sleeve shirt or a full body suit. Latex gloves can restrict any sense of touch. By putting more than one layer of rubber on, you can create an effect of being cocooned. Placing an individual in a rubber body bag places them in a double cocoon. Mummification is an alternative to cocooning. Using rubber strips to wrap the individual from head to toes, can have a similar effect to being in a body bag.

These types of scenes place emphasis on the psychological aspect of being helpless, fully restricted and at the Dominants mercy. Use this advantage safely. Remember inhibiting one sense is meant to enhance another sense in order to create an erotic effect. In a mummification/cocooning scene, not only do you need to continually check circulation and breathing but also hydration.

Rubber is not breathable. A person encased will usually perspire even with restricted movement. Water loss will occur and if a hood is incorporated, heat has no place to escape. Body temperature can easily rise. Never leave someone fully encased, alone. Keep a pair of paramedic scissors close at hand in case an emergency arises and you must get someone out of the rubber quickly.

Remember to play safely. If we take care of our toys (this includes our slave), we will have something to play with again and again.

Rubber Mistress
Los Angeles, CA 90028

(Remember to mention Mistress Jacqueline and Power X-Change)

I met Mistress Ruth in 1988 at Mistress Camile's , while I have talked to her in years we remain friends.

--Compiled by Mistress Michelle and slave english

Mistress Shalimar

Mistress Shalimar and Her World
Welcome .....Enter at Your Own Risk
From Passion Magazine
Issue 6, 1996


HELLO, Once again. Welcome to My World. It is a world not yet explored for many of you. For others, you may have discovered the shadow of your shadow, S/M or B/D.

I am Mistress Shalimar, a lifestyle Domina since 1980.

I am a master of bondage...I feel great power over the one who has been bound and I am in complete control...I make all decisions...! and only I can free you from your ropes and chains. You will have to do as you're told, no question. Should I decide, I'll walk out and leave you strung up, unable to free yourself, you are totally at My mercy. I may choose to taunt and torment you. I could very well decide that you are useless to Me, and I see no reason to set you free until I can decide how to make you useful to Me. I may remind you that this could take days.

Such a creature as yourself...well, what can I say, take a look at your disgusting self. I may remind you how powerless you really are at this point in time. I remind you of My toys at the tips of My fingers.

you kind of cringe at the thought of the crop coming down right on your cock.

you think back to the cat's sting and you cower at the thought of how your most gracious Mistress has treated you in the past. Thoughts of the sting and prick of the spur running up and down your legs, your thighs, your cock and your oh so tender balls which have learned to endure for the absolute pleasure of your Mistress. The love shared between a Dominant and Her true submissive is deep and rich. I have a place in My heart for all those who have passed through My doors and placed their trust, faith, hope, belief, and confidence in Me. I in return have shared with My submissives the feeling and intensity of enslaving one to Life's own energy force. Through My enforcement I have given the gift of true freedom. The ability to surrender, to relinquish and abandon all of your own will. Choices become mine, decisions lie only in My hands, your destiny, wishes, and purpose become Mine and Mine alone. I am in complete control of your fate. I will direct you, discipline you. you have walked into My World, My Empire, My Dominion, My Kingdom and Monarchy. It is here that I will decide what direction to take you. I will decide how to limit you. Each person has different limitations, and I must be sensitive enough to observe and detect each individual.

I will test the endurance of every submissive. I will observe and I may very well uncover and detect your pain levels, and I will explore and seek new levels of ecstasy. I can take you where you have never been before, you will experience My knowledge and My skill. I will explore your levels of submissiveness. your encounters with Me will fulfill that void in your life. I will help you find that yearning...that craving and desire that calls out to you in the night. I am a Woman who possesses the knowledge and wisdom of the ancient Goddess within My very soul. I understand these feelings that all submissives have. These feelings do not go away by themselves. It is your nature, your basic instinct to be this way.

Submission is very much a part of you that cannot be changed, any more than you can change any other part of your nature. Quite often, I find submissive men to come from homes where the Women were the ones who ran the household, where the Women were in control and made the decisions.

left , Mistress Michelle, middle Mistress Shalimar, right Mistress Destiny
at Hellfire West

It has become second nature to you to believe that We are the ones who are in control. I find submissive men to be more superior to the dominant male. he is usually more intelligent, no doubt. I have seen the sensitive side as well as the creative side of many submissive males. I truly believe that the submissive male is superior to the ego-feeding, self-centered dominant male. Unfortunately, society has taught the male that he should be the one in control, and caused a conflict in many sub males. I can only encourage you to follow your heart. To surrender to those true feelings inside you and not listen to someone who knows nothing about the way you feel inside , and you can bet that they don't care either.

Find yourself a Mistress who can satisfy you, who will make you feel at peace and content with yourself. I can assure you that once you learn to satisfy that hunger, that craving that only a good Mistress can help you fulfill, that you will feel more complete as a person, There are many paths I can explore with you. I have been active in the Scene for a number of years, close to twenty, as a matter of fact. I have explored almost every facet of the Scene. I am an expert at cock-and-ball torture as well as nipple torture. I enjoy the power of pain...I always remind my submissives that only the one who inflicts the pain can take it away. It is that decisive knowledge that gives Me the ability to restrict my slaves in the manner I see fit. It is the skill I possess, the ability to make my submissives surrender to me totally...they become Mine entirely..they will serve Me in the capacity that I desire.

In your total relinquishment, you will become My property, My toy, My plaything, My servant, My slut puppy...I will control and demand of you...My expectations are high...only those who are obedient and humble will survive as My slave...I am a cruel and demanding Woman. I possess compassion when deserved, but don't play games with Me...I expect and demand respect...If you don't know, I will take the time to teach you. I have enjoyed this lifestyle for a number of years and learn something new from each and every individual.. I give the blessing of love to each and every submissive that passes through my doors. As you probably have figured out, I have a fondness for dressers. I love discovering each individuals second personality, if you will. My femininity includes a menstrual cycle, along with my way of walking, talking, holding a glass or cigarette or purse. I instill that softness, the gentle tenderness that comes only from a Female. We have a sensitivity that is not found in the male species. Of course, we I have the infamous Feminine intuition, which I cannot give to you males. Sorry guys, the Great Goddess gave this one to Us. It's one of those things that make Us the Superior Ones. What I can promise is that you will leave Me feeling like a whole different person. I will take and mold you into a new personality. I will teach you how to feel beautiful, look beautiful, and become beautiful. I get a real satisfaction out of the transformation. Quite often I will take my slaves on a shopping spree to the shops that cater to the cross dresser or the alternative shops. This is used as a reward, of course.

I love the styles that are available and I adore being the one to dress a slut in her new outfit. I love exotic make-up and have a passion for being a cosmetic consultant, I can come up with some really nice contrasts.

I am wonderfully talented in the art of humiliation. I have many different techniques for putting the lowly male in his proper place.

I may decide to put you in the dog house or repeat several times to Myself and possibly another Mistress how worthless you are and how you could fuck up a wet dream. I may force you to bark at the moon, as part of your animal training. I truly adore seeing a slave at my feet, drinking water from a dog bowl, then bringing me a dog bone so that I can throw it and he may fetch it for Me. I will make him do tricks for Me as well, barking, anywhere from a low growl to a high-pitched bark. I even give my animals tails. Yes, I said tails. I love to watch them wag their little tail. I also do pussy training, complete with tail and ears. Of course, you will have to learn to purr and meow for Me. Pussies are soft little creatures that I, for one, love. Therefore I will allow only the most obedient of slaves to become one of My pussies.

But of course, these fun games become more serious as time goes on. I may decide to tie you up and work on your cock and balls and nipples for a while. I would start with the clamps, then maybe add chains or weights. I have various tensions on those that are very tight and hurt a lot. You will soon be begging Me to remove these from your most sensitive nipples or balls. I may or may not hear these pleas. It all depends on how you have behaved previously. I may decide to weight them down even more, or add more clamps.

If I were you, I'd behave myself, because you never know what the Mistress may do to you. I could bring ice cubes into the picture and run them all up and down your body and remove those chains I've had in the freezer and force you to wear them. Sound like fun? It does to Me.

I may run the softest fur up and down your body and run my soft fingertips up and down your thighs and your shivering body. I am quite amazing when it comes to sensations. I am very adept at creating sensations that feel marvelous to your extreme pleasure and pain that I and only I as your Mistress can justify. It is I and only I alone who can justify your submission. It is I an I alone who can walk you down these paths to the unknown.

Enter the World of Mistress Shalimar now — at your own risk, of course, by writing to:



--Compiled by Mistress Michelle and slave english

Mistress Tracy Clark


Interview unavailable

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