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This article is titled
Legends of Dominance
by Mistress Michelle Peters et al.
and posted with permission
(All information herein is provided by author)

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Domina Irene Boss interview

Da Boss!
Interview by Mistress Jacqueline , from Power Xchange Magazine issue 16.*

Many people give lip service to S/M as a way of life, but few actually attain this goal. Irene Boss is the exception. From my observation, she defines the term, `lifestyle Mistress'. Irene is truly dominant, loves the scene and has a full stable of slaves who serve her daily.

While I did this phone interview, Irene had 6 slaves making final touches to her brand new dungeon facility, `The Sanctuary of the Compound'.

She also gave instructions to one of her many phone slaves.As ordered, the slave self-administered an enema. Upon command, he paddled himself twenty times. Apparently he was being punished for a recent transgression. Like me, you'll be impressed with this very authentic, able, woman. After you read this interview, you'll want to order the video, `Mistress Jacqueline Meets Irene Boss'. You'll hear and see her in action.

Mistress Jacqueline: How does your name reflect who you are?

Do mina Irene: I chose Irene because it has a softness to it and it`s kind of old fashioned. As a Mistress, I`m from the old school - I like to train submissives. Period. End of story. Now using the word "boss" gives it a kind of aggressive energy so it's an androgynous male/female type of energy. I usually use the word Do mina in front of my name to signify myself as a dominant woman who trains submissives. This places me apart from being purely a fantasy facilitator. As a personal quirk, I don't like the word Dominatrix. I object to the "trix" part of the word.

Mistress Jacqueline: How did you first discover your obviously in-born dominant proclivities?

Do mina Irene: Just by virtue of the fact that when I was young, I instigated all kinds of games and pranks, I was definitely the aggressor. I was never afraid to stand up for myself and I was very confrontational as a child.

Mistress Jacqueline: What do you like best about being a Dominatrix?

Do mina Irene: Since I'm a control freak it`s the perfect life for me. I'm in charge of my time, I see who I want to, and I'm not at the mercy of some horrible job.

Mistress Jacqueline: How did you first get involved in the S/M scene?

Do mina Irene: They say women don't have fetishes but they do. Like most, my fetishes began early on. I had fetishes for high heels shoes, corsetry, and historic clothes. Since I was in theater, I basically wore costumes instead of everyday clothes. This "dressing -up" kind of set me aside. I had an aloof nature and personality.

Because of my kinky dressing and strong personality, submissive men were attracted to me. I was naturally dominant. I was the aggressor. I would call men, tell them what to do and even how to dress.

Eventually these men shared their submissive fantasies with me. I listened and learned a great deal about the D/s lifestyle from these men. Naturally sadistic, I was surprised but pleased that people would actually be turned on by my inflicting pain.

Mistress Jacqueline: What kinds of requests did you get?

Do mina Irene: They would ask me to play strangulation and asphyxiation games. I would not play sexual games - i.e. not allowing them to cum, and controlling their desires. There were a lot of role playing games too. I particularly enjoyed men who wore my underwear. I actually got into cross-dressing way before I tied a knot.

Mistress Jacqueline: What can someone expect when they come to you for a session?

Do mina Irene: First of all be prepared to communicate. Negotiation is very important . If accepted, we discuss the type of training - live, phone, postal. I prefer live. Long Sessions. I look for someone who wants to play for long periods of time and also over a long period of time.I don`t want dabblers or curiosity seekers, I want real submissives.

Mistress Jacqueline: Tell me about your Pittsburgh. PA dungeon.

Do mina Irene: I have a three story complex. Six rooms in all. Each room is lit special. The atmosphere is really made. One can get into role simply by entering the room.

Each floor is unique and styled to accommodate different types of scenes. The third floor is a role play area. There`s a clinic for medical scenes, a school room for boys who need a spanking and a pitch black dungeon mirrored from floor to ceiling. This dungeon space is reserved for extreme games - floggings, whippings, suspension. The second floor is my "sissy" area.

This space is for "the babies" and "the girls". The girls have a really nice room complete with an incredible wardrobe including padded girdles, corsets, wigs, clothing, and shoes of all sizes.

There`s an antique table for makeovers with a huge collection of make-up. The nursery room is painted in blues & greens. The atmosphere is very calming and relaxing.

The first floor has the big room with all the large scale stuff - stocks, wheels, padded cell, etc. There's two concrete interrogation cells for prisoner/hostage games. For those with a taste for the equestrian, I have all the necessary equipment, including riding costumes.

Mistress Jacqueline: Sounds like you're prepared for anything! Tell us about some of your favorite toys.

Do mina Irene: Lately I've been enjoying administering corporal discipline. I've acquired five new canes and I've gotten pretty good with them. In case anyone is interested - it's all in the wrist. Right now, I have lots of people working for me - if someone doesn't do their job right, they definitely get a taste of the cane.

Mistress Jacqueline: Do you have a session that stands out as being your most outrageous or memorable? What happened?

Do mina Irene: The most outrageous session, to date has a `Star Trek' theme. It revolves around the planet, Triskellion. My sub gets scratched with rose thorns. The word, thrall, gets embedded in his chest and he receives very hard whippings. He wears a harness made of electrical tape. During the session the same song is played over and over - `The Triskellion Theme' from the Star Trek CD.

Mistress Jacqueline: Tell me how you fit the definition of a lifestyle Mistress.

Do mina Irene: I feel that as a dominant woman I am entitled to receive pampering and homage from submissive men. When I say I'm dominant, that has nothing to do with hurting, hating or degrading men. I naturally choose to have men who wish to serve me. This need to have D/s in all aspects of my life grows stronger all the time. I used to think it would be a problem to have submissives work for me but now I feel like I can t do it alone - I need errand subs, house worker subs, cooks, cleaners. I run a large facility and I like to have submissives who enjoy serving.

Mistress Jacqueline: How would you describe the ideal slave?

Do mina Irene: The ideal slave is one who respects my time before he even places the first call. The basic things are obviously important - he addresses me properly, he takes good care of himself, he practices personal hygiene, he is scene educated, experimental, and mature.

Mistress Jacqueline: I know you have some very innovative ways to train your personal slaves. Tell me about your unique approach to slave training and how you get your slaves to live up to your ideals.

Do mina Irene: Basic slave training includes manners and etiquette .When you train a slave you have to practice discipline, punishment and reward. Slaves never earn rewards with bad behavior. Rewards have to do with pleasurable activities like bondage games or being a body servant. Punishment is given when things are out of line and the slave needs to be taught a lesson. That's different from fun, kinky play. It doesn't consist of S/M activities but distasteful non-scene tasks. Nobody is perfect - all subs need to be trained. They need good strokes as well as punishment.

Mistress Jacqueline: I know one of your specialties is corporal punishment. Tell me what you do to naughty boys.

Do mina Irene: This depends on whether the naughty boy and I are role playing; or, if it's a real offense. Role play games consist of myself being one of many different characters - teacher, nanny, aunt, mommy, authoritative but sexy disciplinarian. I greet my sub and I make them sit down on a hard surface. I want them to see what it feels like to sit on an unspanked bottom. Then I outline what will take place. They are usually disciplined for three - five offenses. I like to have separations in that there is spanking, strapping, wooden paddles and caning. All these are different and unique. No breaks in between, of course.

Mistress Jacqueline: I've personally seen you in action, and I know you can truly deliver a spanking. Who's been the recipient of your most severe punishment session? Tell me what happened.

Do mina Irene: This particular person was a masochistic pain freak - a pain sponge if you will. His favorite game is to exhaust the Mistress - in the last year my upper body has gotten pretty built up and I haven't met any male who I can't top. I can always bring a man to tears. This particular pain sponge was convinced he could take a three hour caning. I caned him for two hours. He did not last the third. I shredded two canes. This is not something I'm looking for and I wouldn't necessarily recommend it - I'm only saying it as a story of how severe I can be.

Mistress Jacqueline: Many see spanking as a form of humiliation. What other ways do you humiliate or belittle your slaves?

Do mina Irene: I'm very big into humiliation. Panty wearing, diapers, age regression and toilet training are all used for purposes of putting a slave in his place.

Mistress Jacqueline: Tell me more about your toilet training program.

Do mina Irene: Slaves have to earn the privilege of being a toilet. A first toilet training lesson might go something like this: I have the sub kneeling with his back facing me. I sit on the upper part of his back and urinate into a glass. He can hear me and smell me but he can't see me. If he's well behaved perhaps he's given a little to smell or a drop to drink. It progresses from there. On subsequent sessions, the slave and I play toilet games. Slaves are commanded to crawl to the toilet and interact with the toilet, by licking it or putting his head into the bowl.

Mistress Jacqueline: Do you ever sit on your slaves and smother them? Is smothering punishment or reward?

Do mina Irene: Both.Smothering is a punishment when I use it to tape a sub's mouth shut. I Sit on them in dressed in pants and they won't be allowed to breathe until I get up. Reward smothering is done in panties. Still, they are always gagged to prevent accidents.

Mistress Jacqueline: Can a sissy male slave be expected to be transformed into a beautiful slut when placed in your hands?

Do mina Irene: Yes. There are two different schools of thought on training sissies. One is beautification: the other is humiliation. Some are excited by prettiness others are excited about the humiliation or embarrassment. Sometime s both. Cross dressing relieves stress like nothing else. The interest in becoming another gender is a very spiritual game. What I enjoy most is that men are so entirely submissive when sissified. The vocal changes: the attitude changes; the walk changes too. This is a big turn on for men because they are vulnerable. These sessions take a long time. Sissies are often into bondage because of the helplessness. After I dress them I take them into the dungeon. Sometimes we go on outings.

Mistress Jacqueline: When a slave submits to an extended or overnight session, what can they expect?

Do mina Irene: Usually bondage, cross dressing or domestic type scenes lend themselves to an extended stay. It has to be realistic. For example, some one who likes to stay dressed and serve me coffee in morning is appropriate.

MIB Productions
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
  • Note: This interview dates from the mid 1990`s & is posted for historical informational purposes.
To make contact with Irene Boss
To Purchase the Video "Mistress Jacqueline meets Irene Boss"

Countess Denica

Countess Denica

It was late Saturday afternoon when I knocked on the door to her apartment. Her male slave opened the door as I immediately saw Countess Denica sitting on a chair across the room. I was stunned at her appearance as she was more beautiful than I had ever imagined. I hesitated at entering the room as the sight of her beautiful figure had me enthralled. She was wearing a black leather dress which had only tiny straps over her shoulders and was excitedly only long enough to rest just over her shapely thighs. She wore black silk stockings with black spiked high-heel shoes. As she was sitting on the chair her leather dress was just at the point above her thighs to show the black garter straps that kept her silk stockings tightly against her legs. As I stood stunned at the doorway, she extended her right arm for me to kiss as a greeting. Her arms were engulfed by black leather gloves. She also had a black riding crop which was deliberately laying across her lap held in her other hand. Not knowing what to do, I just instinctively walked in and kissed her extended hand. She ordered me to kneel before her and knees. After kissing her foot quickly, she commanded me to get up and undress. Nervously, I quickly stood up and with all thumbs started to tear off my clothes. When I was finished I immediately knelt on the floor again. Mistress Denica then presented me with a cock restraint and asked if I knew what it was. I graciously took it from her and began to place it over my cock. The restraint had a leather strap that wrapped around my balls to keep it in place and a metal head with multiple steel rings around it. When my cock touched the cold metal it became immediately erect, however, the shortness of the head prevented my cock from expanding. I immediately felt the tightness and pain of the cock restraint as my cock deflated knowing that keeping it hard would only cause continued discomfort.

Mistress Denica then gave me a black leather corset which engulfed my entire chest. I could barely get it around my waist, but when I finally locked it in place, I could feel how difficult it was to breathe. She gave me a pair of black silk stockings to wear as I sat on the couch putting each stocking on and adjusting the three garter straps for each leg. She then gave me leather straps for my wrists and ankles and commanded me to tightly put them in place. I was then commanded again to begin kissing her foot. On my knees I vigorously and passionately kissed her foot. After a while I was commanded to remove her shoe and began kissing every part of her foot that I could reach. She then told me to massage her foot as I performed my task well. I then proceeded to perform the same function on her other foot as I was getting hot and excited as my mouth and face touched her silk stockings. I was then commanded to stop and told to move back and remain kneeling on the floor. Mistress Denica attached a collar around my neck and locked it in place. The collar was thick enough to force my neck and chin to remain in a fixed position. She then latched a chain from the front of my collar to the metal rings around my cock restraint. This forced my head down to the floor, making it impossible for me to move. She then locked each leather wrist cuff to my ankle cuffs as I was now unable to move. My ass was totally exposed almost sitting up in the air as I knew my butt was about to be whipped. Countess Denica stood directly in front of me with her feet teasingly by my face. I could barely lift my head to kiss her feet. As she stood over me, her riding crop began its random exploring all over my ass and soon I was jumping with each smack. I was helpless to resist, but only kept kissing my Mistress' feet hoping she would appreciate my efforts and not spank me too hard. I Finally my first ordeal was over as she momentarily walked out of the room leaving me in an awkward bent-over position on the floor.

When she returned, she released the lock on my wrists and ankles and then unlocked the chain between my neck and cock restraint. I could finally lift my head as the sweat all over my body gave me a slight chill. I was commanded to stand up and move over to the doorway that separated the living room and bedroom. She placed a spandex helmet over my head as suddenly the darkness of my ordeal was felt. Next she pulled my arms up to the top post above the doorway, extended them out to the far corners and locked them in place. She also threw a chain over the same post and locked each side of the chain to my neck collar. I could not move my head as it felt like I was hanging from the door post. She commanded me to put my feet together as she attached another lock to my ankle cuffs. I now stood completely helpless in the doorway. The neck collar and the chain were the two items that kept me in a helpless position. I could not look in any direction except straight ahead. Countess Denica then attached a chain from my cock restraint up to ring on my collar keeping my cock straight up and tight. My whole body movement was limited.

As I stood helplessly almost hanging from the doorway, she began to squeeze my already hard nipples. She then placed a clip on each nipple. To enhance my punishment she added weights on each nipple clip. As I struggled to ease the pain of the clips the sweat from my body made the clips slip off. The sudden pinch of the clips falling off made me almost jerk from the doorway. But I was not allowed to wallow in my grief as Mistress Denica immediately began to smack my ass with first a riding crop and then a large leather paddle. I was jumping with each hit but was unable to move away. I was helpless to her punishment and was enjoying every minute of it.

After being left to stand in my helpless position for a while, Mistress Denica finally released me. As I almost fell to the floor with exhaustion she commanded me remove my helmet and crawl over to the couch. I was told to turn around and remove my wrist cuffs. With my hands behind my back, Mistress Denica began to put on an arm binder around my arms. The arm binder was made of heavy leather and totally engulfed my hands all the way up to my shoulders. There were two straps on the arm binder that went over my shoulders and strapped behind them, keeping the arm binder firmly in place. As she laced up the arm binder, I could feel my arms being slowly forced together. But it was not over, as she then locked three more straps around my arms at the wrists, elbows and biceps. My arms were totally encased and the feeling of helplessness was back again. The combination of tightness against my arms and the strong aroma of the leather arm binder was making me hot. I knew now that this was my most helpless position.

Mistress Denica made me crawl over to the doorway again as I couldn't imagine what she was going to do next. But I didn't have to wait long. After I was positioned in the doorway, she commanded me to put my head on the floor. She then attached the bottom of the arm binder to the top of the doorway. My arms were immediately extended upward behind my back. The extension was so high that I was literally resting my whole body on just my head and my knees. My feet were almost up in the air from the position that I was forced into, and Mistress Denica, seeing this position, almost decided to tie my ankles to the doorway as well, seeing that my feet were off the ground. Luckily she saw the helplessness of my position, and especially my exposed ass, and felt I was in trouble enough. Again, in this position my ass began to receive the punishment of its exposure. This was an even more helpless position than before.

Mistress Denica left me in this position for a while to ponder my helplessness. This was the most exciting and also the most scary position of the day. But I loved it anyway. Finally she released the chain above the door and I slowly brought myself down to the floor. She commanded me to crawl over to her on the couch. As much as I wanted my arms free, I felt the excitement of the bondage and almost asked not to be released. But she slowly started to remove the arm binder as I felt the numbness in my arms as the blood circulation returned. She then directed me to lay down by the couch. Without giving me time to recover, she wrapped a strap around my waist and buckled it in place. The strap had two other cuffs attached to it for my wrists. She strapped both wrists into place as again my arms were helpless. She then locked my ankles together.

With my collar still on, I was helpless to try to move my head up. The collar had an extended piece on it that mounted tightly under my chin, so I could not raise my head at all from the floor. But Mistress Denica knew exactly that. She stood over me as I could now see that she had removed her leather dress. Underneath her leather dress was a leather thong which conveniently looped between her legs exposing just enough to cause excitement. She slowly knelt down over me teasing me with her leather thong.I couldn't lift my head up to meet her and she knew it. She then moved in closer to me so that I could just barely touch it. I was commanded to kiss her thong as I struggled each time to lift my head and perform the task she wanted me to do. I was sweating again from the strain of trying to lift my head. She knew I could not get too close and the teasing was making me hot again. Finally she stood up and sat beside me on the couch. She presented her foot to my lips again, as I instinctively began to kiss it. Her other foot was massaging my cock as I was getting excited with the action from both. But just as it was getting exciting, my Mistress stopped.

She removed the wrists straps and the waist strap and unlocked my ankles. She then commanded me to get dressed. I got up immediately and began removing my stockings and corset. I didn't know what to think or do. I wanted to stay and talk awhile, but I knew her slave was in the other room. So I just did what she commanded and finished getting dressed. As I finally got myself together Mistress Denica extended her hand to me. I kissed her hand and thanked her for a wonderful session. I opened the door and left in a daze. It was wonderful.

Countess Denica - Female Supremacist and renowned Leather Fetishist, is stalking obedient chattels and TV's who are not interested in "getting off" but desperately yearn to inhale the intoxicating fragrance of My warm feet as you remove My spiked heel D'Orsay pump, awaiting My command to massage My Black Seamed Stockinged Foot. If you do a good job, maybe I'll let you suck My toes. Would you like that My little foot freak? Sloppiness equals Rejection. Business size S.A.S.E. and photo are compulsory! Write: Ctss. Denica, New York, New York 10036

--Compiled by Mistress Michelle and slave english

1001 Dominant Nights

" Anna in Love"

by Mistress Verushka Von Vangarrd

From Dominant Mystique Magazine
Vol. 1, No. 4, 1992

Mistress Verushka owns me. i follow Her will in all things, for Her pleasure and Her amusement. i am only one of a group for whom this is true. There is yet a larger group who follow Her in many, if not all things, on down to those who know Her casually or socially. Her personality is such that to know Mistress Verushka is to be influenced, often profoundly.

Those influenced by Mistress Verushka in turn influence many more, a mundane ripple effect, which, when combined with other ripples, may still just be a ripple. Or it may be a tidal wave. Mistress' guiding principle is transformation. She is a force for change. She desperately cares for the planet and seeks to reintroduce principles based on feminine sensibilities of governance.

She works on many levels, from the many to the one.

i love Mistress Verushka. She has trained me for many years now. Long before i did, She recognized my nature. She has stood uncompromisingly I ae, a midwife to my birth as Anna. But like any service, it was not free. The price, paid willingly, was my emotional freedom.

According to one of the amendments to our Constitution, there is no slavery in the United States. From the perspective of law, that may be true. i feel, however, that away from Mistress Verushka, my life has no meaning. A legal slave may risk his or her life and run away. If un captured, he or she is free. my slavery is more enduring. There is nowhere to run. No point, no desire, i am Her slave. If She sets me free, i am lost. This universe we pervs call S/M or B&D is a vast one indeed. (Is it not fascinating that some think S/M means sadism and masochism, while others think it means slave and master: both letters charged with their opposite, in a manner reminiscent of the ancient Chinese yin/yang symbol?) From the bottom's perspective (the only one i experience), we are all into one or more of the thousands of sources of pain, piercing, restraint or humiliation. Our physical gender is as arbitrary as our desire, as likely as not different from what's between our legs.

Interactions run from the totally negotiated - making the session a private ritual - to the "consentually non-consensual." The static unsatisfactory tyranny of concepts is nowhere so revealed. Rubbing hard upon each other, the friction melted them as fast as we can create new ones. Mistress took me on a picnic. We followed a well-traveled path in a park until it circled off around the base of a hill. We scrambled up and were rewarded with a flat area with a beautiful view. We could faintly hear people on the circling path below.

i spread the quilt and serve Her lunch. It was a carefree, innocent time, laughing and talking. An hour or so passed. Without warning She pushed me on my back and stripped me from the waist down. My nervousness only intensified the excitement.

Mistress Verushka was kneeling between my feet looking at me, my legs spread, back arched, holding myself up with arms, head tossed back. i remember staring into the distance, a white hum in my head. Fully clothed, she lowered Herself onto me and in moments i was moaning, my legs locked around Hers.

The rustling sound of an approaching hiker stiffened me. i was mortified to see a strange man approaching and gratified to see he was pretending to ignore me while continuing on his way.

Mistress, of course, rolled off and hailed him over for a glass of wine. As he approached i could feel his eyes on my pink toenails, shaved legs, and the little "V" that is all that's left of my pubic hair.

He seemed very comfortable with the situation and sat down to talk. He said that he had once fucked his wife on this very hill top and that he wished he could get her to make love in the out- doors more often. He told Mistress how lucky She was to have a playmate into sex out of doors. Mistress, of course, set him straight. That i had no choice in the matter and that She didn't ; really care if i liked it or not. But that since She | liked it, She was sure i did. i The man, who introduced himself, but whose name i can't remember, complimented my legs in that way men will: he told Mistress that they were nice. They discussed me as if i wasn't even there.

Mistress told him how she liked the fact i was a moaner and that i was so sexually responsive when my legs were spread. She liked the fact that my nipples were sensitive and that She could turn me on by touching them. She especially liked the fact that i could only cum when She . ordered me to. She had me turn over and display j the curve of my hips, which she accented by spanking. She remarked how very feminine i looked, my face was hot and my hands were shaking.

A bead of sweat rolled lazily down my spine. Mistress told me to take off my shirt and to roll over on my back. She started caressing my right nipple. Within minutes my back was arched and my chest was heaving. Small gasps floated like offering smoke in the air. My legs were pressed tightly together, twisted away from the pressure of Her touch. Suddenly a different hand was touching me with a much rougher caress. The man had taken over. In a panic i swung my legs the other way, my chest heaving violently, my gasps now sobs.

Mistress firmly spread my legs and placed the flat of Her hand between them, roughly palpitating. i thrust against it uncontrollably, my breasts trapped between the forefinger and thumb of some stranger.

He was pulling and pinching my nipples, amused by their erectness. i felt an oily sensation between my legs and i knew that Mistress had lubricated me. Without further warning, She slid in two fingers, moving them slowly back and forth, then my hips up and around, i was bucking now and She settled me down with a third and then a fourth. The man tired of my nipples and instead straddled my head. i guess he figured he had done all the foreplay required.

The sound of a zipper opened my eyes. His penis was dangling inches from my mouth, a single drop of pre-eum glistening at its tip. He lowered it to me and unconsidered keeping my mouth closed. Then Mistress slid Her first into me and my mouth dropped open in shock and surprise.

He moved right in and i serviced him the best could with my body jerking and spasming from overstimulation. He started grunting and came within minutes. I swallowed most of it. Some of it was on my face, some in my hair. As he got up to leave, he patted me on the head and told me i'd been good, Mistress was pleased with me, the turn of events had amused Her. True submission, She said, involved a willingness to submit to whatever, whenever. It was important that men learn to submit, to surrender. The particular act, performing fellatio on a stranger in the outdoors with Her fist up me, was unimportant. What She had observed was the quality of my acceptance. i am always available to Mistress. She will call me at unexpected times, including when i am at work. She will give me orders, but i know She is really testing my voice, its tone of submissiveness.

The Superior's goal is to make the bottom identify with the role so that it is not a role but an identity. Most stories treat this goal as something which cannot be achieved through practical methods. Many stories depend upon the slave being given a "submissiveness" drug, or some other miracle transformation agent. Or there must be an extraordinary circumstance, usually a castle in Bavaria, fully staffed with slaves perfectly excited about adding yet another.

The truth is more mundane, and therefore terrifying. A growing number of treatises discuss technique. Time consuming, but effective technique to create the desired submissiveness. One paper even claims that many people can be conditioned into a dependent submissiveness regardless of desire. (What then of the concepts of consent and negotiation if one can be essentially "conditioned" into a role of emotional slavery?)

The submissive's knowledge of the techniques and recognition of their use is no defense against their effectiveness. When Mistress Verushka imposed Her will, each time successfully pushing me to acquiesce to it, She and i both recognized that i was becoming one who submits to Her will. Mistress is committed to shifting the power balance. Along with other Women, She is working to shatter the phallocracy. One nature, one world, under the Goddess with lipstick and mascara for all. My basic commitment to Mistress is to please Her. This seemed like a small thing when first undertaken. "I want you to promise you will try to please me in all things."

"Yes, Mistress." Thoughtlessly said, but sincerely received, that commitment was the genesis of all that followed. The first time i wore a bra my reaction was annoyance. It felt stupid, it held up nothing, there seemed no point, i expressed my feelings and received a nipple whipping. i spent a lot of time wearing a bra thereafter. To please Her. She told me it would please Her if my breasts became more sensitive. Playing with my breasts should be a turn-on. It happened, and for no other reason than She wanted it and i had promised to please Her. In time, wearing a bra became very sensual. (Now i don't wear one as much, but like many women with smaller breasts, i simply choose, with Mistress' approval to go bra less.

She and i bought my first dress and shoes over on College Avenue, i had on lingerie under guy's clothes: bra, panties, garter and stockings. It was aa secondhand store where the dressing room was pinned together sheets. The opening of the dressing tent didn't completely close and a mirror was placed so the sales clerk could keep an eye on things.

Mistress had me go into the dressing room and wait there in my underwear. She found dresses She wanted me to try on and brought them in. i would fight my way into them and then out as fast as i could, i know at least two female patrons saw me and left the store.

i wore that dress the next night to a party, i received a number of compliments on the way i looked, i spent the evening looking after Mistress' needs.

The act of serving because you are required to is a difficult one for most men. We will do it in private, but is front of m audience of men it is a different story. Even in front of an audience where the men are all in dresses.

Will he kneel when offering the plate, publicly ; acknowledge his submissive station? The audience can sense the inner tension, it sees even this slightest of moments of humiliation as a broad spectacle, the energies mixing the will asserted, resolving the play continuing as ever written.

In the end, amid much cooing and clucking, i submitted well. Mistress took pictures of me in my dress all made up, and later in a nightie dress, straddling a balance beam, and then with Roxanne.

Afterwards, Mistress told me She was very proud of me. i was so pleased it is difficult to describe, i was nearly moved to tears. She allowed me to hug Her and i didn't want to let go. It was six months before She took me to another party. By that time i had more dresses, mostly made of latex. (Purchased from Stormy Leather in San Francisco, a wonderful women-owned store. Gratuitous plug.)

A garter belt doesn't look good under a tight, black, latex mini dress, so I fashioned garters that hooked between the hem and the white stockings. Red shoes, no bra and long Blondie hair completed the ensemble. It was a cold night and i shivered all the way there. i made a mistake that night, i stared too long at another Mistress. Mistress Verushka's anger was palpable, i begged for forgiveness and then i begged for mercy, but the look in Her eyes said my pleas fell on deaf ears. My act had been doubly bad. Staring was rude and paying too much attention to another Mistress was betrayal. To my mind it seemed a small breach, and that was punishable as well: my training was sufficiently advanced that all actions stood out like bright flashes against the dark background of my station, i could no longer be ignorant of what was expected.

She laid me on my stomach over a bench, wrists and ankles chained straight down to the floor. Fifteen or so people sat in chairs around the room, softly talking. i do not like pain. i just don't. Of the pains, i find the deep searing sting of the cane to be among the worst. The first blow came without warning or preliminary. My mind went numb and a voice which was not mine said, "One Mistress, thank you Mistress. Mistress, I beg of you, please may i have another." She commanded me to speak louder.

By number ten, i was unashamedly crying and begging Her to stop. After two more, She said, "She's yours, as long as you don't move her," to no one in particular and stormed out of the room. The Mistress i had stared at pulled my head up and kissed my lips, thrusting her tongue deeply down my throat. She ran her hand over my hair and down my spine, finally stopping to caress my latex sheathed buttocks, i heard a click and suddenly my hips were exposed, the cool air covering what only moments before had been wrapped and sweaty.

She caressed and then spread me. After spreading and probing, she took me, then and there, again and again and again. Faster and slower, side to side, all cadences, speeds and rhythms, as if she didn't want to miss a single possibility. Her plastic phallus was never sated and it never faltered. Each moment seemed an excruciating eternity, and the eternities went on forever.

Once or twice a year Mistress Verushka shows me the video She shot of my first ass fucking. The kiss, the caress, the slow penetration. Although every viewing echoes the terror and pain of the moment, clearly visible even through the makeup on my face, watching, i am mostly put at peace. It was a defining moment, a pivotal point on the road to my servitude.

After each viewing, i give Her a hug and sincerely whisper my gratitude. She kisses my brow and with a playful spank sends me back to chores, i am an endorphin junkie, a sensation slut, and i am where i belong. Mistress Verushka owns me. i follow Her will in all things, for Her pleasure and Her amusement.

In or around 1975 I corresponded with Domina Verushka and she sent me photos, however the photos I have do NOT look the same as the ones posted in Yahoo groups: Legends of Dominance

The largest collection of photos from these three Dominants at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LegendsofDominance

Also want to add Domina Irene Boss , " Da Boss," went by the name Countess Denica before she found out there was a Countess Denica in the NY , NJ area , so she changed her name. Would people would do that today?

-- Compiled by Mistress Michelle and slave english

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