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North Carolina

North Carolina
North Carolina in United States.png

Capital: Raleigh
Largest city: Charlotte
Resource Guide: RL-NC

Web Sites

  • http://www.asknenc.org/ Adults Seeking Kink in North Eastern North Carolina (ASKNENC) Group for north-eastern NC and south-eastern Virginia - Meetings / parties for BDSM people


  • 27102 - Dating Bank, POB 1549, Winston-Salem Kinky contacts, N
  • 27104 - Connie Blondell, 127 S. Stratford Rd #97, Winston-Salem {DF}!!
  • 27104 - Christy Costello, 127 S. Stratford Rd., #97, Winston-Salem {DF} !!
  • 27104 - Babette Dion, 127 S. Stratford Rd #97, Winston-Salem {Model}  !!
  • 27104 - Gerda Hunsinger, 127 S. Stratford Rd #97, Winston-Salem {DF}!! ®BD15
  • 27105 - Annabelle's Adult Theater, 3804 Patterson Ave, Winston-Salem, 336-767-8285 an adult-oriented store providing a wide range of products to promote sex-positivity.
  • 27104 - Dana Woodley, 353 Jonestown Rd., #161, Winston-Salem {Model}
  • 27114 - Parks, POB 24552, Winston-Salem BDSM contacts, R
  • 27316 - C & A, POB 1131, Ramseur Custom made videos
  • 27331 ? R.P., POB 3813, Sanford {DF}, send large SASE for reply
  • 27405 - Eleana, POB 6411, Greensboro C,N
  • 27407 - Jennifer G., POB 7061, Greensboro {Model} , Bi, lingerie
  • 27415 - Maria, POB 14411, Greensboro Mexican/South American contacts
  • 27415 - S & M, POB 14473, Greensboro 2 women, photos, panties
  • 27416 - Tarheel Leather Club, PO Box 16457Greensboro Phone: 910-275-2054
  • 27510 - Adam & Eve, POB 200, Carrboro 800-274-0333 Adult items, videos, lingerie ®2338
  • 27611 - Capital Leathermen, PO Box 24814 Raleigh, a community organization to unite the fellowship and brotherhood those persons interested in the leather/levi lifestyle. Our club is a social fraternal club.
  • 27619 - Enterprise, POB 18332, Raleigh {SW}
  • 27622 - Circles, POB 31792, Raleigh {SW}
  • 27704 - Couples, POB 15393, Durham {SW}
  • 27717 - Lucy, POB 52164, Durham Submissive - serious inquiries only
  • 27835 - Promotions, POB 1385, Greenville Panty and raised skirt photos & videos
  • 28053 - Leslie, POB 2674, Gastonia Bi
  • 28082 - Republic, POB 639, Kannapolis Lists of swingers/social clubs {SW}
  • 28098 - Patti, POB 864, Lowell {Model}
  • 28204 - N.C.F., POB 371, Charlotte Couples & women only club {SW}
  • 28213 - Socials, POB 26341, Charlotte {SW}
  • 28231 - Tradesmen Leather\Levi Club, PO Box 31654Charlotte Phone: 704-732-2547, "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music that he hears, however measured and far away" Henry David Thoreau
  • 28232 ? Castlegate, POB 1517, Charlotte Interesting bondage equipment and low cost photo sets and movies. ®2167
  • 28304 - Beck's Adult Motel, 5401 Raeford Rd., Fayetteville 919-425-2108 Swingers motel, possible contacts (ask for Steve or Lucille)
  • 28306 - Joan, POB 65108, Fayetteville Bi
  • 28320 - Jean Borden, POB 339, Bladenboro LOW, C, R
  • 28331 - D. Iverson, POB 48395, Cumberland {Model} , videos, O, married
  • 28332 - Patricia West, POB 345, Dublin {Model}
  • 28337 - Rita Moranda, POB 1211, Elizabethtown {Model}
  • 28387 - G.F., POB 992, South Pines B, bi
  • 28392 - Denise Fallon, POB 9, Tar Heel {Model} , bi
  • 28401 - TASHA {The Amazon Sisterhood of America}, P.O. Box 634, Wilmington a new non-profit group for those Women and males who truly believe in the natural superiority of Women. Write for free info.(06/97)
  • 28406 - Menamore LLC, Inc. PO Box 7364, Wilmington Phone: 910-350-8866
  • 28406 - Southeast Conference of Clubs POB 7364 Wilmington Phone: 910-350-8866, The Southeast Conference of Clubs is composed of a very diverse group of clubs — all enjoying some aspect of alternative lifestyles, including Levi/ Leather/ SM/ Fetish/ Bear interests. The Conference is a pansexual (inclusive: male, female, gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) and focused organization serving our community. The member clubs experiences range from the very novice and curious to the very seasoned and informed. We all share a common goal - Brotherhood and Sisterhood. The knowledge and experience of each member club is what makes the conference strong. Your club or organization can be a part of this explosion of regional organization by simply filling out an application. https://secclubs.net/ ( X site active 08/22 R/ )
  • 28782 - "Y" Toys, PO Box 884, Tryon NC - "Yiffy Toys" produces toys for furries, plushes, etc (see Yiffy Toys article)

External links

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