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Connecticut in United States.png

Capital: Hartford
Largest city: Bridgeport
Resource Guide: RL-CT
  • 06010 - Sue A., 143 West Street 3rd Floor, Bristol Send $1 for list of videos of dom & sub fem tapes & videos {Model}
  • 06018 - Club Taurus, POB 833, Canaan {SW}
  • 06034 - Global Wrestling Alliance, POB 352, Farmington 203-524-4288 A contact source that unites wrestling and boxing enthusiasts
  • 06040 - Strangeblades & more, 286 Broad st. Box 154 Manchester Phone: (860) 645-9394, chain mail clothing, accessories, jewlery. Custom orders.
  • 06050 - Hartford Colts, MCP.O. Box 3253 New Britain, Leatherman's social and motorcycle riding club
  • 06051 - Claudia's, 84 Spring St., New Britain Adult referrals
  • 06101 - Beth Tyler, POB 2551, Hartford !!
  • 06106 - Active Couples East, One Van Dyke Ave, Hartford 203-525-9484 On/Off prem Swing club
  • 06106 - Leisure Times, 355 Zion St., Hartford 203-951-6243 On Prem Swing Club
  • 06128 - Male-Order Leather, POB 281172, East Hartford( X Invalid contact info R/ ) Affordable, enduring quality. Send $2.00 for catalog ®P0132
  • 06128 - Service of Mankind Church[Note 1] (AKA Essemian Sanctuary of the Goddess), Northeastern Sanctuary, POB 281172, E. Hartford, Ct 06128( X Invalid contact info R/ ), first official chapter of the Mother Church. S.M.C. East-l. The service of Mankind Church is a church for gyno-supremacists (female dominants and their loved ones) which is dedicated to fulfilling the revealed will of the Goddess. Established church where males worship dominant women on their knees, Sadomasochism is a legitimate sexual practice, and, if approached with wisdom and reverence, is a powerful aid for spiritual development. we believe that sex is sacred, and that life is to be cherished, preserved and celebrated. Send a letter of self-introduction with S.A.S.E. to above address for more information.
  • 06128 - United Leatherfolk of CT,[Note 2] POB 281172, East Hartford( X Invalid contact info R/ ) Great s&M support group led by famous Laura Goodwin, the lovely dominatrix who founded Denver Area Dominants & Submissives (DAD-s) in the early '80's. ULCt sponsors lots of events and parties.
  • 06145 - Leather Creations, POB 2212 Hartford Phone: (860) 742-0157 Hand-crafted leather restraints, imported latex, tit toys, handcuffs, police paraphernalia, steel cages, shackles.
  • 06340 - Lisa, POB 44, Groton WS videos
  • 06387 - Melinda, c/o Julie Peters, POB 231, Waukegan WS and kinky sex videos
  • 06410 - Maria, POB 1116, Cheshire Foot fetish, photos, videos
  • 06460 - View, % Denise Mason, POB 2281, Devon TV support club, N
  • 06468 - Source Publications, POB 654 Monroe, MANzine publishers, critique of BD/SM. The Genuine Article, protests fake breasts.
  • 06517 - Antonelli, 60 Skiff St., #592, Hamden Foot fetish videos
  • 06518 - Cindy, POB 5659, Hamden Foot fetish photos, videos
  • 06531 - Ms Angelina, POB 8522, New Haven {DF}
  • 06813 - Laura Goodwin, POB 787, Danbury SM/BD club, R
  • 06820 - Senior Service, POB 2290, Darien Over 40 {SW}
  • 06830 - S. Elliott, 283 Greenwich Ave., Greenwich {DF}, $3.00 for photos
  • 06840 - Twilight Guard, PO Box 428 New Canaan 06840-0428 fellowship of leathermen and bears in the gay communities
  • 06870 - Fay, POB 344, Greenwich {Model}
  • 06878 - Julie, POB 595, Riverside {Model} , KS, WS, lingerie
  • 06904 - Colonial, POB 10836, Stamford Gay films, videos ®2430


  1. Laura Goodwin is no longer affiliated with SMC
  2. ULC is no longer accepting new members. Effective March, 2009, ULC suspended all group meetings and activities. After 20 years of faithful service to the local Connecticut BDSM community, Laura Goodwin and her spouse are taking a long-needed and well-deserved break.

External links

Coffee-cup.png Find events/contacts in Connecticut on "Find a Munch.com"

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