Club History
and should NOT be used for any reason other than reading enjoyment |
I put this history information together to tell you about myself, my friends, and The BackDrop Club. Parts of this article you may find very interesting, while other sections may bore you to tears. Please remember that I am writing this history for many people and even more reasons.
My original idea was to have two parallel history/biography paths: one, my biography while the other would be about the Club. Since the two are so intertwined, I decided to merge them both into one fairly comprehensive, open dialogue.
It may help the reader understand more about me, the founder/director of BackDrop. It may also help you understand why I have made some of the decisions that I have made.
While running BackDrop for nearly sixty years, I was still maintaining a professional life complete with National Security clearances and government contracts. I am not truly sure which part I was "in the closet" about. I did not disclose my BDSM interests to my techie contacts and I did not talk about my work with the BackDrop club or staff people.
"Compartmentalization" or "An Onion as a Model for Life" are simplistic descriptions of this lifestyle. At my 65th birthday party (RCR-65), I decided to come out to my BackDrop Family. I had placed my technical resume (hidden behind erotic drawings) on easels at the front of the room. When it came time to set fire to the candles on my birthday cake (my friends even had a fire extinguisher at the ready), I made a short speech disclosing my technical life.
Articles related to Robin's Personal History
- Robin, before BackDrop
- Articles about living in Palmdale
- Western Days: Memories about early TV & the movies
- Navy Days My time in the Navy
- Personal take about JFK's death
- Housing First
Articles about my family
Articles related to Robin's Birthday parties
- Robin and People
- Monica - An insight into a special person
- Humor
- Robin and Technology
- Robin's Professional Resume
- Robin's bio
- Project Plowshare
- Vela Uniform
- Durrum D-500
- Dial Log Caller ID Computers
Articles related to BackDrop History
- Macho Magazine 08-77 "An Evening with O"
- Three Days with a Master from Fetish Times
- Exotique V03 Ray Engel's Party in Los Angeles Report
- Santa Clara Street, Oakland
- On Price Street in Redwood City (KQED)
- On San Pablo Ave in Berkeley
- Carson City - Electronics without club <G>
- Sunnyvale - Robin returns to the Bay Area and reopens the Club
- El Cerrito - a cozy apartment
- The Club in Richmond
- As You Like It from the "CoCo County Times"

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