
From Robin's SM-201 Website
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Never, NEVER do a session alone.

This rule is not so much about the fact that you might be attacked by your client, although that is very small a possibility.

Consider the idea that your client might weigh almost twice your weight. If he were to fall over, could you pick him up?

Another scenario is the Professionals worst nightmare: your client passes out or has a heart attack. It would nearly impossible to call paramedics while giving CPR or artificial respiration.

Or how about, even worse, you as the session-giver were to become incapacitated? How do you release your client from his state of bondage?

Typically, most ProDoms have a private play space. If you were in a session, would you be able to determine if a fire had broken out in another part of the building?

Besides, if you're in session, who would answer your phone and book your next appointment? <g>

I don't like to repeat myself, but this is important.

Never, NEVER do a session alone.

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